Inhoudstafel Moderne & Actuele Kunst: Capita Selecta Teksten:
Jackson Pollock - Application for Guggenheim Fellowship (1947), My Painting (1947-48), Undated Notes (circa 1950)
1 De post-mediale conditie John Cage - Lecture on Nothing (1973)
Theodor W. Adorno - Valéry Proust museum (1989)
1.1 Bellman’s Map, uit: Lewis Caroll - The Hunting of the Snark (1876) Brian O’Doherty - Notes on the Gallery Space (1999)
1.2 May You Live in Interesting Times – 58th Venice Biennal 2019 Jorge Luis Borges - Funes de allesonthouder (1942)
1.3 Medium? Post-medium = fact
> Rosalind Krauss - A Voyage on the North Sea: Art in the Age of the Post-Medium Condition 5 Kamer / Huis
(1999) 5.1 Judith Herzberg – Daglicht (1963), Stadgeluiden (1968)
1.4 Moderne kunst vs. Actuele Kunst 5.2 Huis – wereld, interieur – exterieur, binnen – buiten, bescherming – blootstelling, zelf – ander, orde
1.5 De paradox van conceptuele kunst – chaos
> Camiel Van Winkel - During the Exhibition the Gallery Will Be Closed: Contemporary Art and the 5.2.1 Bed
Paradoxes of Conceptualism (2012) > Lisa Wainwright - Robert Rauschenberg's Fabrics: Reconstructing Domestic Space, in
1.6 Post-conceptueel = Condition Christopher Reed (ed.) Not at Home: The Suppression of Domesticity in Modern Art and
> Camiel Van Winkel - During the Exhibition the Gallery Will Be Closed: Contemporary Art and the Architecture (1996)
Paradoxes of Conceptualism (2012) 5.2.2 Huishouden
1.6.1 Contemporary Art = Generic > Mierle Laderman Ukeles - Maintenance Art Manifesto: Proposal for an Exhibition, 'Care'
1.6.2 Contemporary Art = Lack of Craft (1969)
1.6.3 Connoiseurship 5.2.3 Huis
1.6.4 Art history – Art theory – Art criticism
1.7 Post-medium & post-conceptual Teksten:
Lisa Wainwright - Robert Rauschenberg's Fabrics: Reconstructing Domestic Space, in Christopher Reed (ed.)
1.8 Toelichting bij Georges Perec – Ruimten Rondom (1974)
Not at Home: The Suppression of Domesticity in Modern Art and Architecture (1996)
Teksten: Mierle Laderman Ukeles - Maintenance Art Manifesto: Proposal for an Exhibition, 'Care' (1969)
Rosalind Krauss - A Voyage on the North Sea: Art in the Age of the Post-Medium Condition (1999)
Jeff Wall – Depiction, Image, Object, Event / Afbeelding, Object, Gebeurtenis (Hermeslezing 2006) 6 Straat / Stad
Camiel Van Winkel - During the Exhibition the Gallery Will Be Closed: Contemporary Art and the Paradoxes of 6.1 Jorge Luis Borges - Las Calles / De Straten
Conceptualism (2012) 6.2 Stefan Hertmans – Verwensing van Ruimte (Venetië) (1991)
6.3 Generisch – specifiek, dagelijks – bijzonder, heden – geschiedenis
2 Medium en Media 6.3.1 Straat – stad: plek
2.1 Post-medium & post-conceptual: fact & condition > Miwon Kwon - One Place After Another. Notes On Site Specificity, in: October nr. 80
2.2 Medium & modernisme: Clement Greenberg, Michael Fried & Rosalind Krauss (Spring), (1997)
2.2.1 Clement Greenberg - Towards a Newer Laocoon (1940) 6.3.2 De straat – de stad
2.2.2 Clement Greenberg - Modernist Painting (1961) > Allan Kaprow - The Legacy of Jackson Pollock (1958)
2.2.3 Militantly reductive modernism = opposite in reverse (Rosalind Krauss / Michael Fried) 6.4 De straat
2.2.4 Michael Fried - Art and Objecthood (1967) 6.4.1 Rooijlijn
2.2.5 Rosalind E. Krauss - Sculpture in the Expanded Field, in: October 8 (Spring 1979) 6.4.2 Stoep
Teksten: 6.4.3 Nomenclatuur
Clement Greenberg - Towards a Newer Laocoon (1940), Modernist Painting (1961) 6.4.4 Verkeer
Michael Fried - Art and Objecthood (1967) 6.5 De stad
Rosalind E. Krauss - Sculpture in the Expanded Field, in: October 8 (Spring 1979) 6.5.1 Stedelijkheid
6.5.2 Routes
3 Schaal 6.5.3 Theater
3.1 Fernando Pessoa – Het mysterie der dingen (1914)
3.2 Post-medium en post-conceptueel? Teksten:
3.3 Joseph Kosuth - Art after Philosophy (1969) Miwon Kwon - One Place After Another. Notes On Site Specificity, in: October nr. 80 (Spring), (1997)
Allan Kaprow - The Legacy of Jackson Pollock (1958), in: Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life (1993)
3.4 Sol LeWitt - Paragraphs on Conceptual Art (1967) Claes Oldenburg - I Am for an Art ... (1961)
3.5 Sol LeWitt - Sentences on Conceptual Art (1968 – 69)
3.6 Over schaal/meten 7 Land / Continent
3.7 Gerhard Richter - Notes (1962), Notes (1966) 7.1 Over Beweging > Georges Perec – Ruimten Rondom (1974)
3.8 Wereldbeeld: "Prière d'insérer": Georges Perec – Ruimten Rondom (1974) 7.2 Land: thuis – verhuizen
Teksten: 7.3 Grens
Joseph Kosuth - Art after Philosophy (1969) 7.3.1 Grondgebied – territorium
Sol LeWitt - Paragraphs on Conceptual Art (1967), Sentences on Conceptual Art (1968 - 69) 7.3.2 Verschil – overgang
Gerhard Richter - Notes (1962), Notes (1966) > Gerhard Richter: Writings (1961 - 2007) > Tony Judt - Edge People, in: The New York Review of Books (2010)
7.3.3 Inclusie – exclusie
4 Ruimte / Leegte > Tony Judt - Edge People, in: The New York Review of Books (2010)
4.1 W.H. Auden - Musée des Beaux Arts (1940) 7.4 Natie: identiteit - representatie
4.2 Jackson Pollock - Application for Guggenheim Fellowship (1947), My Painting (1947-48),
Undated Notes (circa 1950) Teksten:
4.3 Ruimte – leegte, space – emptiness, blank – leeg, blank – empty, volume – vacuüm, volume – void Robert Smithson - A Sedimentation of the Mind: Earth Projects (1968)
Tony Judt - Edge People, in: The New York Review of Books (2010).
4.4 John Cage - Lecture on Nothing (1973)
4.5 Theodor W. Adorno - Valéry Proust museum (1989)
4.6 Brian O’Doherty - Notes on the Gallery Space (1999)
4.7 Jorge Luis Borges - Funes de allesonthouder (1942)