to form a picture or idea in your mind
to imagine inbeelden
about what something could be like.
believe that someone or something is likely
to expect verwachten
to happen
a mistaken belief, especially one based on
fallacy misvatting
unsound arguments
consider someone or something to be
to value waarderen
important, worthy or beneficial
working in a well-organized and competent
efficient way, maximum productivity with minimum
efficiënt, doeltreffend
wasted effort or expenses
journey travelling somewhere reis
platform the declared policy or a raised level surface platform, medium
transparent, unclouded, completely, easy
clear transparant, duidelijk
to understand
recurring at uniform intervals, arranged in a
regular duidelijk, helder
constant pattern
a formal public statement about a fact,
announcement aankondiging
occurrence, or intention
diverse variety, very different verschillend, variërend
inexpensive cheap, not costing a great deal goedkoop
provision an amount or thing supplied or provided voorraad
to launch start, set in motion lanceren, opstarten
to refurbish to renovate and redecorate opknappen
to complete something in a shorter amount
to save time tijd besparen
of time than planned.
route a way or course, direction route
feature a characteristic or quality functie
consumer someone who buys goods and services klant, consument
to desire a strong feeling of wanting something verlangen
a person who travels some distance to
commuter pendelaar
work on a regular basis
to survey to examine something, to observe onderzoeken, bestuderen
to appear become visible or noticeable verschijnen
a small board with a spring clip at the top,
clipboard used for holding papers and providing klembord
support for writing
to improve/ to add something that makes
to add value waarde toevoegen
your product worth more
how you observe something / you know a
experience beleving, ervaring
lot about something
century a period of 100 years eeuw
behave towards or deal with in a certain
to treat behandelen
way / giving medical care
laboratory a room equipped for scientific experiments, laboratorium
, research or for the manufacture of drugs
(in)capable of making mistakes or being
(in)fallible onfeilbaar, volmaakt
harm or trouble caused by someone or
mischief kattenkwaad
iconic widely recognized and well-established iconisch
an organized course of action to achieve a
campaign campagne
ordinary plain, not special gewoon, normaal
activity of producing advertisements for
advertising adverteren
commercial products or services
a notice or announcement in a public
ad(-vertisement) medium promoting a product, service, or reclame, advertentie
to stand out project from a surface / persistance opvallen
to notice the fact of paying attention to something opmerken
to remember to recall, to think of herinneren, onthouden
(in)visible able to be (not) seen onzichtbaar
used or expended carelessly or to no
wasted verspilt
to specialize in to learn more about a specific subject specialiseren in
trust or confidence in someone or
belief geloof
featuring new methods; advanced and
innovative vernieuwend, innovatief
an idea or plan put forward for
suggestion suggestie
insight an accurate and deep understanding in zicht
to recruit to employ, to enrol someone aanwerven
curved component that forms the surface
panel paneel
of a door, wall, or ceiling
to pay attention take notice of someone or something opletten
the greater number / the age at which a
majority meerderheid
person is legally a full adult
terrified feel extreme fear doodsbang
to ignore refuse to take notice of or acknowledge negeren
fascinating extremely interesting fascinerend
standard a level of quality, normal or average standaard
to apply make a formal application or request een aanvraag indienen
decision-making the process of making choices besluitvorming
to submit subject to a particular process or condition inleveren
according to logic, reason or formal
logical logisch
done or chosen in accordance with wisdom
sensible gevoelig
or prudence; likely to be of benefit
the making of a judgement about the
evaluation evaluatie
amount, number, or value of something
the state or degree of being easily or
feasibility geschiktheid
conveniently done
the other way the opposite situation is true andersom
, around
give the impression of being something or
to seem lijken
having a particular quality
to make sense be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable logisch zijn
alternative one of two or more available possibilities alternatief
people living together in a more or less
society ordered community / organization formed maatschappij
for a particular purpose
forward movement towards a destination /
progress vooruitgang
development to an improved condition
risk a situation involving exposure to danger risico
travel through an unfamiliar area in order
to explore ontdekken
to learn about it
the capacity to have an effect on the
to influence character, development or behaviour of beïnvloeden
event a thing that happens or takes place evenement
the way in which one acts or conducts
behaviour gedrag
oneself, especially towards others
optimal best or most favourable optimaal
failure lack of success mislukking
a certain quality or standard / a fixed price
rate beoordeling, tarief
paid for something
to stop participating or being involved in
to drop out afvallen
something, to abandon
to succeed to achieve the desired aim or result slagen
to correspond, to be equal to something in
to match overeenkomen met
quality or strength
conception the forming or devising of a plan or idea ontwerp
to pick to choose from a number of alternatives kiezen
to outperform to perform better than (be more profitable) beter preseteren dan
induce someone to do something through
to persuade overtuigen
reasoning or argument, to convince
insurance firm a financial institution that sells insurance verzekeringsmaatschappij
demand an insistent request, made as of right vraag naar
to happen to take place, to occur gebeuren
the group of people with the authority to
government regering
govern a country or state
a line enclosing the shape of an object / a
to outline uitlijnen
general description
an advantage or profit gained from
benefit voordeel
a conclusion reached on the basis of gevolgtrekking, besluit op
evidence and reasoning basis van bewijs
in question being considered or discussed, in doubt in kwestie
to be in short supply available in less amounts than needed schaars zijn
to be willing to being happy and prepared to do something bereid zijn
to cue a signal to indicate that you may begin aanzetten
to debunk expose the falseness of an idea ontkrachten
to conduct an to do a test, to execute an experiment een experiment uitvoeren