Corporate Social Responsibility
This course isabour ethics
- Business ethics
- Professional ethics
And how they are intertwined with each other
Corporate responsibility and professional responsibility are connected.
Hoofdstuk 1: Ethics
The central concept is responsibility
2 main questions
- What is the responsibility of an enterprise?
- What is the responsibility of a professional?
Exam questions: define ethics, responsibility, cases seen in the class,
Course overview:
- The ethical responsibilities of professionals, managers, leaders and corporations & organisations
- Using moral theory and moral reasoning from a practical, professional point of view
Course design and learning objectives
- To develop moral awareness in (future) professionals and thus in organizations
- To inspire and empower students
- To use professional and business ethics imaginatively to enhance business decision making
Responsible companies
Well-being of the people are affected by the choices or behavior of a company, then that company is in trouble
(unethical, not responsible)
These 3 are the things that make your company not responsible.
- Balance
- Damage
- Well-being
When your company have a negative effect on a person, company, mother nature, etc. then your company
isn’t responsible, and you affect others in a negative way.
Claim 2 --. PPT 1 SLIDE 22
Integrity is an essential part of professionalism
, - Every professional who wants to do his/her job in a responsible way is frequently confronted with the
question "what is here and now the morally right thing to do?"
- Integrity delivers trust; trust is an absolute prerequisite in business. Especially in a world that is lacking
integrity and is in great need of moral leadership.
What is ethics all about?
3 questions to be aware of:
- How do you recognize an ethical problem?
- Define ethics!
- Is ethics important for a professional? Why/not?
Example of an ethic problem:
Case 1:
Mark & Rebecca are on their honeymoon. They are making a trip to experience the beauty of the desert. Mark
and Rebecca are alone in the hot desert. They are both nearly dying of thirst. Mark has one bottle of water
that will allow him enough time to make it back to civilization. If he will share the water with Rebecca, both will
What is Mark morally obligated to do?
1. Drink it and save his own life
2. Give it to Rebecca to save her life
3. Split it, (and let both die)
To take into sufficient accountability
The well-being of all effected parts (employees, shareholders,..)
- Rights
- Interests
- Wishes
Why the rights on the top?
- Because if your rights are taking away then fundamental things are been taking away from you and its
more wrong then when your wishes are taken away from you.
Case 2:
Mark and his wife Rebecca are sitting in their house. Suddenly a man with a gun bursts into their home.
The gunman is Dan, an ex-boyfriend of Rebecca’s. The gunman demands that unless Mark kills Rebecca,
Mark will be killed. If Mark kills Rebecca, Mark will leave unharmed.
1. Should Mark die rather than kill another person?
2. Should Mark save himself by killing another?
Case 3:
,I am the manager of a company that focuses on sustainable tourism; we offer tours in both South America an
d Asia.The company promises fair trade travel and adventure for our clients.We have a good relationship with
a certain hotel in Indonesia, as it shares the standards of an ethical way of working.
Recently, we found out that this certain hotel
deals with child labor.The children wash the laundry in the basement of the hotel. This fact was kept secret fro
m all partners of the hotel. The mentioned hotel
is one of our biggest partners, as we have been working with them for decennia.It is also the only ‘ethical resp
onsible’ hotel of the region.
It’s an ethical problem, why?
- There is a conflict between rights, interests, and wishes.
Who are the effected parties in this case? Who are the stakeholders?
- Customers
- Shareholders
- Children
- Yourself
The rights of the children are in danger education
o If they don’t go to school, they not developing the way they should.
o They need education to grow
Case 4: Should she go or should she stay?
Isabela, an american woman of 23 years old and tourism student, is planning a European backpacking trip. She
has never been to Europe and wants to visit all the best cities and unique places. On her list is Venice, a
beautiful city, but one that is literally drowning by "over-tourism". Because of her studies, she knows going to
Venice, would mean contributing to the decay of the city. However, it is a unique city, and she considers it
worth a visit. Isabela does not want to be inconsiderate to this and is doubting whether or not she should go
to Venice.
Why is this an ethical problem?
- Venice is suffering from over-tourism
Who has the most problems with the over-tourism?
- The people who live in Venice
What could be an Interest, wish of right for her to go?
- She has the right to travel
- Venice is drowning so I need to be quick if I want to see Venice
- Ex. Students come in the class, before the lecture they were talking but as soon as the teacher wanted
to start, they became quit and interact with the lecture.
- Describing why are you here?
o To achieve this lecture to get my degree, to build my future
, o To get independent as fast as possible
- Values and norms what is important to you?
o I must go to school and attend every lecture to pass them with the best points and get my
- Example of a value sit at the table for family and quality time
- Example of a norm sit at the table till everyone is finished
What is the value in this class? respect for each other, respect for the teacher
Norm in this class being quite because you need to learn this lecture to get a degree
Values are mostly described in one word. Norms is mostly linked with the value.
- Starts when you start challenging the values and the norms
If I send you to Iran, describe what you would do:
- Most women are dressed in a particular way. When you are going to a woman there and ask, why are
women in Iran expected to be dressed like this?
- Values and norm? religion, when they don’t dress like that, they would not follow the rules in their
religion, and they may get killed.
What is the ethical thing?
- Man can dress however they want but women can’t, why? I want to be free too protests
An area of study that deals with ideas about what
Slide 29
3 fundamental questions
As a branch of philosophy, ethics investigates the questions
- What ACTIONS are right or wrong in particular circumstances? belangrijkste, krijg je veel cases over
om hier antwoorden op te geven WSS EXAMEN
- What does it mean to be a good PERSON?
- What is the best way for people to LIVE?
Considered right and good by most people: agreeing with a standard of right behavior
Ethics is moral philosophy:
- You examine your morality are my norms and values leading to SLIDE 31!!!!!