3. business writing: structure and lay-out of business letters and e-mail e.g. enquiries, replies
and quotations and orders.
Multinational: a company or corporation Reception: place where visitors and clients
operating in several countries. report on arrival at a company
Hierarchy: A group of persons or things Board of directors: a group of people chosen
organized into successive ranks or grades with to establish policy for and direct or control a
each level subordinate to the one above company
Self-starters: a person who is strongly Chairman: person who heads a Board of
motivated and shows initiative Directors, head of a company, chairperson
Productive: able to produce; generative; Director: member of the board of directors
Executive: person who manages the affairs
Creative: Characterized by originality and of a corporation (kaderlid)
expressiveness; imaginative
Headquarters: a company’s principal or main
Autonomous: Independent in mind or office or centre of control
judgment; self-directed.
Manager: person responsible for day-to-day
Flexibility: Able to change to cope with running of a dept, executive officer
variable circumstances
Managing director: senior director after the
Flexitime: a system permitting flexibility of chairman responsible for day-to-day
working hours at the beginning or end of the management, CEO in the USA.
day, provided an agreed period of each day is
spent at work Marketing department: responsible for
putting goods on market, inc. packaging,
Hot desking: the practice of not assigning advertising..
permanent desks in a workplace, so that
employees may work at any available desk Organisation chart: a table or plan showing a
company’s structure graphically
Home working: working at home
Personnel department: department
Teleworking: employment at home while responsible for recruitment and welfare of
communicating with the workplace by phone staff or employees, also called Human
or fax or modem. Also called: telecommuting Resources Dept.
Outsources or contracts out: To relocate or President: the highest executive officer of a
transfer (jobs) to another labor market company, head of a company
Accounts department: department Production department: responsible for
responsible for admiistering a company’s physical creation of product
financial affairs
Purchasing department: responsible for
A.G.M.: Annual General Meeting of a finding an buying everything needed by a
company’s shareholders company
Sales Department: responsible for finding R&D Department: responsible for Research
customers and making sales and Development of (new) products
Shareholder: person who holds or owns
shares in or a part of a company or Assets: all the company possesses (activa),
corporation the assets and liabilities (a en p)
Vice presient: any of several executive Bankruptcy: failure – to go bankrupt
officers, each responsible for a separate
, To report to: to have as a line manager
Liability: responsability (rapporteren aan). If you report to a
manager, this person is called your line
Corporate: refers to company, as in manager, which means he’s in charge of you.
corporate culture (bedrijfscultuur)
Portfolio workers:
Organizational chart, organization chart, Core staff: kernpersoneel
organigram or organogram: diagram that
Centralized cultures:
shows the structure of an organization an the
relationships and relative ranks of its parts Flat structures:
and positions.
Broadband Internet connections:
Line: direct relationship between superior Subsidiary: dochteronderneming
and subordinate
Call centre: call centre
Lateral: relationship between diffeent Head office: hoofdkantoor
departments on the same hierarchical level
Warehouse: warenhuis
Staff: relationship between a managerial Distribution centre: sorteercentrum
assistant and other areas. The assistant will
Branches/outlets: branches, afdelingen
be able to offer advice to a line manager.
Self-employed: zelfstandige
Functional: relationships between specialist
Sole trader: eenmanszaak
positions and other areas.
SME (small to medium-sized enterprise):
Limited company: a corporate body whose
financial liability is limited to the value of its
assets. Bureaucratic: bureaucratisch
Decentralised: gedecentraliseerd
Inc: incorporated
Impersonal: onpersoonlijk
Senior directors: heads of departments
Democratic: democratisch
HR Manager: responsible for staff Market-driven: marktgedreven
organization, recruitment and welfare
Centralised: gecentraliseerd
Marketing Manager: handles problems Conservative: conservatief
concerned with designing, developing and
Hierarchical: hiërarchisch
selling a product
Progressive: progressief
Production manager: looks after the factory
as a whole, the buying of materials and the Employer – employee: werkgever -
production of goods werknemer
A colleague, fellow worker, co-worker:
Company scretary: who keeps records of the collega
Board’s meetngs and makes te minutes To be self-employed, to be independent:
Auditors: examine the company’s accounts To employ people - to draft people - to
and repare the balance sheet - a statement recruit people:: tewerkstellen – huren –
of a financial position of the company – and aanwerven
the profit and loss account. To apply for a job, an applicant, a letter of
application: solliciteren – sollicitant
To resign - to hand in your notice, to quit:
ontslag geven A covering letter, a resume: cv
To be out of work , to receive an A vacancy, a job: openingvacature
unemployment benefit - to be on the dole: The job market, labour market:
werkloos zijn arbeidsmarkt
A go-slow, a work-to-rule, a strike: To have a job interview: op
langzaamaan-actie – stiptheidsactie – staking sollicitatiegesprek
To take a day off – to go on holiday: een dag
vakantie nemen – met vakantie gaan
, An interviewer, an interviewee: interviewer
A trade union: organization representing the – geïnterviewde
workers and employees in talks and
To earn a living, to earn a salary: zijn brood
negotiations with the employers
An employers’ confederation: organization To have a nine-to-five job: regelmatige uren
defending the interests of the employers in
talks and negotiations with the trade unions To have flexi-time, to do shiftwork:
glijdende uren – ploegwerk
Wages: the money you receive for work every To move up, to be promoted, get a pay
week rise: promotie maken – loonsopslag krijgen
To retain: to keep someone in service To receive training, to go on a training
course: opleiding krijgen
To administer: to manage: beheren To be in charge of people, to report to
someone: leiding geven over – rapporteren
A benefit: a positive: voordeel aan
A performance review: A line manager - a supervisor, a manager ,
functioneringsgesprek a director: directe baas – baas
To make redundant - to lay off people:
Health records: medische dossiers because there’s not enough work
To expand: uitbreiden To dismiss - to fire - to sack: ontslaan
wegens slechte prestaties, no money involved
Absentee: afwezige (op het werk)
A salary: the money you receive for work
Absenteeism: absenteïsme every month
Absenteeism rate: graad van absenteïsme A shift: a period of time in which the men
work, usually 8 hours
Accident at work - industrial injury: ongeval
op het werk – werkletsel A clocking-in machine: a machine that
automatically records the time when you
Appoint a person: een persoon aanstellen start and finish working
Apprenticeship: leercontract (stage) Overtime: work done after the usual hours
for extra pay
Aptitude test: geschiktheidsproef
To monitor: to observe sth and check the
Ask for a rise: loonsopslag vragen progress: iets in het oog houden
Assessment of applicants: evaluatie van Employment laws: arbeidswetgeving
A labour contract: collectieve
Assistant: assistant(e) arbeidsovereenkomst
Back pay: achterstal To achieve a goal: succeed in doing sth: een
doel bereiken
be on probation - to be on trial: op proef
zijn Occupation - employment: beroep
Be on strike: in staking zijn Office hours: kantooruren
Be out of work: zonder werk vallen Office manager: kantoorverantwoordelijke
Business hours - office hours: kantooruren Office staff - office personnel:
Christmas bonus: kerstpremie
On the job training: training op het werk
Clerical work - office work: kantoorwerk
Outsourcing: uitbesteding
,Credentials: geloofsbrieven Overtime pay: loon voor overwerk
Day shift: dagploeg Overtime work: overwerk
Disciplinary measure - disciplinary sanction: Partial disability: gedeeltelijke
disciplinaire maatregel – sanctie arbeidsongeschiktheid
Dismissal without notice: ontslag met Part-time: deeltijds
onmiddellijke ingang
Part-time job: deeltijds werk
Early retirement: vervroegd pensioen
Pay increase for merit: loonsverhoging voor
Employment agency: tewerkstellingskantoor bijzondere verdiensten
Employment card - working papers: Payslip: loonbriefje
Pension: pensioen
Employment contract - labour contract:
arbeidscontract Pension fund: pensioenfonds
Employment for a trial period: proefcontract Period of notice: vooropzeg
Experienced person: ervaren persoon Permanent disability: volledige
Family allowances: gezinsuitkeringen
Permanent job - steady job: vaste job
Fill a vacancy: een vacature invullen
Permanent staff: vast personeel
Gross wages and salaries: brutoloon
Personnel requirements:
Health care: gezondheidszorg personeelsbehoeften
higher education - advanced education: Professional qualifications: professionele
hogere studies bekwaamheidsbewijzen
Holiday (GB) - vacation (US): vakantie Professional training: navorming
Index-linked wages: geïndexeerde lonen Public holiday (GB) - national holiday (US):
Industrial relations (GB) - labor relations
(US): arbeidsverhoudingen Redundancy payment: ontslagvergoeding
Industrial tribunal - labour court: arbeidshof Regular hours: vaste uren
Irregular work - discontinuous work: Refresher course: opfrissingscursus
onregelmatig werk
Remuneration: verloning
Job description: functiebeschrijving
Retire: met pensioen gaan
Job satisfaction: werkplezier
Retirement age: pensioenleeftijd
Job security: arbeidszekerheid
Right to strike: recht op staken
Junior clerk - junior employee: beginnend
bediende Seasonal employment: seizoensarbeid
Labour costs: arbeidskost Secondary job: bijberoep
Labour disputes: arbeidsgeschillen Severance pay - dismissal pay:
verbrekingsvergoeding – ontslagvergoeding
Labour market: arbeidsmarkt
Sick leave: ziekteverlof
, Learning by doing - learning by practice:
ervaringsgericht leren Skilled labour: geschoolde arbeid
Leave: verlof Skilled workers: geschoolde arbeiders
Letter of appointment: aanstellingsbrief Social security: sociale zekerheid
Minimum pay: minimumloon Staff costs - personnel costs: arbeidskosten
Night shift: nachtploeg Take measures: maatregelen nemen
To elicit: uitlokken Take one's holidays: vakantie nemen
Consultancy: expertise, knowledge Temporary disability: tijdelijke
To advertise - an advertisement:
adverteren, een advertentie Temporary staff: tijdelijk personeel
A brand - a trademark: merk The job is still vacant: deze functie is nog
A publicity campaign: publiciteitscampagne
Trade-union (GB) - labor union (US):
A folder - a brochure - a catalogue: folder, vakbond
brochure, catalogus
Union officer - trade union representative:
A mailing: mailing vakbondsafgevaardigde
A poster, a bill on a fence, a hoarding: Unjustified dismissal: onterecht ontslag
Unpaid leave: onbetaald verlof
A commercial: reclame
Unskilled labour: ongeschoolde arbeid
To stimulate demand: vraag stimuleren
Wage bargaining - pay negotiations:
Sales team - sales forecast - sales loononderhandelingen
figures: verkoopteam, verkoopprognose,
verkoopcijfers Wage ceiling: loonplafond
Market research: marktonderzoek Wage claims: looneis
Competitors: concurrenten Wage freeze: loonstop
A sales talk - a sales letter - a sales trip: Wage indexation scale: loonindex
verkooppraat, verkoopbrief, verkoopreis
Worker - blue-collar worker: arbeider –
Copy writer: professional writer of handarbeider
Working day: werkdag
Product manager: person responsible for the
marketing activities of one particular product Working hour: werkuur
of the company’s portfolio
Workload: werklast
Trade marketing officer: person responsible
for the marketing activities of one particular Merchandiser: marketeer who doesn’t focus
product of the company’s portfolio on the ultimate consumers but on
wholesalers and retailers
Junior marketing assistant: professional
writer of advertisements A sales representative: person who sells the
company’s products
An incentive: een stimulans
Public relations officer: person who sets up
In-store survey: enquête in de winkel
communication with all the possible