Wat is criminal justice?
A complex social institution which regulates potential, alleged and actual criminal
activity within limits designed to protect people from wrongful treatment and wrongful
conviction (Sanders, Young & Burton, 2010) (definition not important)
Traditionally: police, prosecution, courts, prisons.
o The police alone cannot fight crime
o Traditionally it was police, prosecution, courts/judges and prisons. = this is the
typical chain
o The nature of the security challenges have changed and how we deal with it has
changed as well. There are different actors and different approaches.
o You can drugproblems not solve only with prisons or courts. It’s mainly a health
problem and needs a different approach to solve it.
Due to whole-of-government and holistic approaches against crime, societal changes
and the increased focus on the prevention of crime (pre-crime):
o Inclusion of partners such as:
Intelligence services, private security companies, custom authorities,
inspectorate services,….
o Whole-of-government approach = different government authorities/services
working together to disrupt criminal activities (for ex to find a specific gang)
Belgium is moving towards this approach (e.g. Stromblonk Antwerpen)
o Holistic approach = integraal en geïntegreerd beleid
Looking towards criminal phenomenon or a group of people from a
prevention and regression side
The use of different organisations (but in a softer way than WOG
Integrated = different organisations working on 1 problem
Integral = the whole government looks at the problem in a broad
Concept changed over the course of 2,000 years
o It wasn’t called management back then, but the concept was there
o A big area of organisations involved in social control and security architecture
“Managers” work in organizations and take decisions in a given set of cultural values and
o They influence and are being influenced by the environment
Main thing: managers try to influence the environment and being
influenced. Change is important.
Alignment (= overeenstemming) between internal organisation and
external demand. What do we need/want to do and are we delivering
the dings that we have to do?
o Environment: PEST = main elements of the environment where we are
Political: Different political parties have an impact on what you do in the
organization and in the future
Economic: now economic negative condition, in 2008 there was an
economic recession. People leaving the federal police, weren’t replaced,
this really hurt the police. It’s about knowledge and experience. Looking
for efficiency, we’re not going to replace people. You need people to do
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the job. -> Budget plan
Social: Every organization (police, military, …) working in the criminal
justice sector, they face a shortish of people. The baby boom generation
(generation born after WWII and grew up in the sixties & seventies) is
leaving the employment market. They are retiring but little people are
able to work. Number people being born are dropping. This is changing
for mass organizations who needs a lot of men working. Chances are real
you find now a job easily. Every organisation is looking for man power
but there is no man power.
Technological: High believe as humans that technology can save our
problems. Professor redoubts this. Craftmanship is gone, now it’s the
machines. You need coordination and discipline constantly.
o These elements have an impact on your surroundings
Study of management starts during industrial revolution:
o Increase of scale of production
o Changing society
o These studies enabled organizations to think about what they need. First time
we start thinking about management.
There was a low productivity and the machines came and changed the
You do not need skills or muscles anymore, because the machine does it
The way we lived and produced changed completely
PA vs. PM
Public administration/public management
PA/PM is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on government or governance
o Law, political science, economics, generic management and business studies,
organization theory and social psychology
Law virtually gone
Law was the main course you perceived. Avoid negativism and
Legislation was important because we had to have a predictive
Then law became virtually gone
Organization theory and social psychology: after WWII
WEBER: in ideal bureaucracy an organisation should be reliable,
predictable and transparent → by regulating behaviour
o Governance = assertion that government was not some stand-alone, monolithic
actor, but was embedded in webs of competing interests (realization in the
Politicians & civil servants = government
Government: public output, the state is organizing everything (example:
police) directly
Governance: organizing, different organizations to one goal, working
true different organizations to reach the objective
PA/PM cannot be disconnected from society
o Policies help shape society – the effectiveness of these policies is rooted in the
behavior of citizens and consumers
Policies introduces changes into society. Organizations need to be
managed, they are all interconnected.
Political parties are important and are the key stakeholder.
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o Public service delivery and policymaking
o E.g. Rioting → More underlying causes (e.g. Housing, schooling)
PA/PM is not generic management, non for profit management, brand management,
leadership studies
o Combination of different aspects and not just generic management
PA/PM is directly related to government, the state (including organizations working on
behalf of the state/government) Takes us back to Criminal justice management
Old-fashioned, traditional, Modern, outward-looking
introverted (focus on itself)
Static hierarchies and Dynamic – leadership,
procedures innovation
Focus on following rules – Focus on managing resources –
compliance ( = making sure efficiency and performance
things are being done) and
Focus on machinery of Focus on multi-stakeholder (not
government only political parties) governance
However: differences tend to be exaggerated – shift towards PM because of perceived
limitations of PA (normative) and connecting to social sciences.
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Lecture 1: Organizations and organizational structures
in criminal justice
- 3 explanations:
o Institutional: an organization is a concrete, separate system – an entity
o Instrumental: focus on the structure, procedures and delineation of
o Process: focus on the process of organizing, on the activities
- A consciously coordinated social entity, with relatively clear identifiable boundaries that
seeks to accomplish common objectives
o Social entities are composed of people → interaction
You work with people and you need to coordinate activities of these
people and need interactions. People have ego's, they think they are
important. You need to motivate people to do things you think are
needed to achieve objectives and goals.
o Goal-oriented → no objectives, no reason to exist
Police itself doesn't know why it exists. Keeping people safe, but what is
Security: protecting people so they don't get harmed.
Safety: protecting people so they feel good and well.
What do you do for the community? In Belgium, they do not
really know what community policing is!!! Why do we need
the objections and what are they?
o Consciously coordinated → accomplishing objectives → division in departments
o Identifiable boundaries: what belongs to the competences of the organization
and what does not?
Arresting criminals, is this a task for the police or military? Cybercrime is
it a task for insurance company of police?
'Kerntakendebat' = what are the core functions of an organisation? For
example, what are the objectives of prisons; punishment or restorative
justice? You set goals for the future and you have to achieve them
yourself. You have to know what it implies.
o =>> Who are you going to recruit? What money are you gonna collect and how
o => Think about these 4 aspects of an organisation. What are they doing, what
kind of competences, what kind of people are they hiring? It says something
about how they deal with their employments as well. What is the intention of
o Example: why does the police exist?
Protect people and houses of the rich people. This is part of the story of
policing in the 19th century.
Other people say it exist for the public people or for the citizens.
Police itself doesn’t know why it exists
An open or closed system?