Multinationals (B-KUL-HSA18A)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
Alle 6 resultaten
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Samenvatting Multinationals HSH92A (17/20!)
- Samenvatting • 40 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,16
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Volledige Samenvatting van het deel Multinationals voor schakeljaar handelswetenschappen KUL van het vak Multinationals en Europese instellingen (deel van Sels Annabel en Slangen Arjen). Ik behaalde een 17/20 doormiddel van enkel deze samenvatting te studeren.
Volledige Samenvatting schakeljaar handelswetenschappen KUL voor het vak Multinationals & Europese instellingen (beide delen) in 2024.
A bundle of both summaries needed for the Multinationals and European Institutions course, part of KUL's MBA Bridging Programme.

Multinationals Complete Summary (MBA BP - 2021)
- Samenvatting • 47 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,99
- + meer info
A complete summary of the Multinationals course with Prof. Sels and Slangen, including any additional information given by the professors during class time. Used to successfully pass the course for the exam in June, 2021.

Multinationals and European Institutions (Bridging MBA - KUL Brussels)
- Voordeelbundel • 2 items • 2021
- €15,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
This bundle contains a complete and concise summary for the course Multinationals (taught by Prof. Sels Annabel and Prof. Slangen Arjen) and the course European Institutions (taught by Prof. Pauwels Ann). All information from course materials such as ppt and lecture notes are integrated within these summaries.

Multinationals: Summary + Class Notes (Bridging MBA - KUL Brussels)
- Samenvatting • 65 pagina's • 2021
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,99
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Prof.: Prof. Sels Annabel & Prof. Slangen Arjen 
This document contains a summary of the course content + class notes + learning objectives of each chapter 
Course content: 
Chapter 1: Globalizing business 
Chapter 2: Formal institutions: Political, economic and legal systems 
Chapter 3: Informal institutions 
Chapter 4: Identifying and assessing firm resources 
Chapters 6 and 11: FDI and theories of internationalization 
Chapters 12 and 15: F...

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