Business Contracts & Technology (2300RECBCT)
Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
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Business Contracts and Technology - Samenvatting 2023-24 m.i.v. Memory Cards
- Samenvatting • 190 pagina's • 2024
- €15,49
- + meer info
This document contains notes from the lectures and the content of the PowerPoints. In addition, it was supplemented with documents and videos that were provided as 'background information', making it coherent and clearly understandable. The technical topics such as Blockchain and AI were clarified with additional information on these topics.
Business Contracts and Technology - Samenvatting 2023-24 m.i.v. Memory Cards
Laatste update van het document:
This document contains notes from the lectures and the content of the PowerPoints. In addition, it was supplemented with documents and videos that were provided as 'background information', making it coherent and clearly understandable. The technical topics such as Blockchain and AI were clarified with additional information on these topics.
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Teveel maand over aan het eind van je geld?
€5,99 voor je samenvatting, vermenigvuldigt met 100 medestudenten... Reken maar uit: dat is veel geld! Wees geen dief van je eigen portemonnee en start nu met uploaden. Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia
€5,99 voor je samenvatting, vermenigvuldigt met 100 medestudenten... Reken maar uit: dat is veel geld! Wees geen dief van je eigen portemonnee en start nu met uploaden. Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia