Operations Management
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
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Summary - Operations Management
- Samenvatting • 86 pagina's • 2024
- €10,99
- + meer info
In this document, you will find all the information from the slides and additional notes from during class. The summary also has some additional information from the book that the professor uses to provide an in-depth explanation. At the end there is also a summary of the Unilever guest lecture with notes from during class as well.
Summary - Operations Management
Laatste update van het document:
In this document, you will find all the information from the slides and additional notes from during class. The summary also has some additional information from the book that the professor uses to provide an in-depth explanation. At the end there is also a summary of the Unilever guest lecture with notes from during class as well.
In winkelwagen
Operations Management Summary VUB
- Samenvatting • 40 pagina's • 2022
- €5,38
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of Operations Management for BA3 Business Economics at the VUB. Well structured summary without inessential information.
Operations Management Summary VUB
Laatste update van het document:
Summary of Operations Management for BA3 Business Economics at the VUB. Well structured summary without inessential information.
In winkelwagen
Summary Operations Management
- Samenvatting • 245 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €6,49
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of Operations Management for BA3 Business Economics at the VUB.
Summary Operations Management
Laatste update van het document:
Summary of Operations Management for BA3 Business Economics at the VUB.
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Studiestress? Voor verkopers op Stuvia zijn dit juist gouden tijden. KA-CHING! Verdien ook aan je samenvattingen en begin nu met uploaden. Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia