Political science - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Political science? Op deze pagina vind je 745 samenvattingen over Political science.
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Understanding Prejudice: an interdisciplinary perspective on intergroup relations Articles Summary + additonal lecture notes
- Samenvatting • 61 pagina's • 2024
- €6,99
- 12x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all articles from the course Understanding Prejudice + additional information from the lectures. 
Topic 1: Social Identity Theory 
• (*) Ellemers, N., & Haslam, S.A. (2012). Social identity theory. In: P. van Lange, A. Kruglanski, & T. 
Higgins (Eds.). Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 379-398). London: Sage. 
•Verkuyten, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Social identity. In: Verkuyten, M. The social psychology of ethnic 
identity (2nd ed.). Routlege. 
Morgana Lizzio-Wilson...

Samenvatting Inleiding Politieke Wetenschap 2022/2023 Universiteit Leiden (Theory and Methods in Political Science)
- Samenvatting • 36 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €8,49
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Dit is een samenvatting van de hoorcolleges en de literatuur die horen bij het vak Inleiding Politieke Wetenschap van de studie Politicologie (inclusief de specialisatie Internationale Politiek) aan de Universiteit Leiden. Het bevat de tekst van de powerpoints, de opmerkingen en uitleg van de docent en aanvullende stukken tekst uit de literatuur. Op het einde bevindt zich een laatste hoofdstuk die al mijn vragen en antwoorden van het responsiecollege bevatten. Kortom: dit document bevat praktisc...

Summary of the master course 'Politicians'
- Samenvatting • 93 pagina's • 2023
- €6,49
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a summary of the master course 'Politicians'. These are all the class notes + summary of all the texts we needed to read. The exam falls in January, so the first semester. This course was led by Sefaan Walgrave at the UA.

Summary - Politics of Difference 2024 (73220044FY)
- Samenvatting • 72 pagina's • 2024
- €10,48
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
This is an in-deph summary of the readings and the lectures for this year's Politics of Difference. Please keep note that the readings are not as good and so it is important to do the perusalls in order to understand the intricacies of some of the readings . This summary only provides a somewhat extensive summary of the main key points of the Perusall readings, but really great notes for the lectures. Good luck with the exam!

Summary - Introduction to Conflict Studies (7302A4000Y)
- Samenvatting • 243 pagina's • 2024
- €14,49
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a very long and detailed summary of all lectures and readings for the class Introduction to Conflict Studies (7302A4000Y) amid the Take Home Exam. The only missing lecture and readings are the ones for the last lecture on Mediation. Due to the protests, this last part of the course will not be included in the exam. Stay safe and study well

Summary Political Science
- Samenvatting • 43 pagina's • 2024
- €7,66
- + meer info
This is my extensive summary of everything I needed for Political Science, including the notes of the lectures and a summary of the book "Comparative Government and Politics". My grade for this exam was a 9.5.

Politics of Difference: Comprehensive summary
- Samenvatting • 146 pagina's • 2024
- €9,39
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a comprehensive summary of the readings and lectures for the course Politics of Difference. I had an end grade of 8.3 for this course using this summary to study. Good luck!
These are all the readings for Great Debates.

Summary Introduction to Political Science (IPS) all Lecture + Reading Notes - GRADE 9,1
- College aantekeningen • 35 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €12,49
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary for the final exam (2022) material for Introduction to Political Science (IPS). INCLUDES all lecture notes and reading notes on Lowndes, V., March, D., & Stocker, G. (eds.). (2018). Theory and Methods in Political Science (4th Edition)”.

Summary for Social Psychology
- Samenvatting • 19 pagina's • 2023
- €4,49
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Professor is Carolyn Decklerck. I think some political science people also have this course. This is a short but sufficient summary of Social Pyschology, I obtained a 14/20 studying this summary only. I advise you to also take a brief look at the research papers talked about in class when studying.

Vraag jij je af waarom zoveel studenten in mooie kleren lopen, geld genoeg hebben en genieten van tonnen aan vrije tijd? Nou, ze verkopen hun samenvattingen op Stuvia! Stel je eens voor dat jouw samenvatting iedere dag weer wordt verkocht. Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia