Chapter 7 - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Chapter 7? Op deze pagina vind je 860 samenvattingen over Chapter 7.
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Samenvatting literatuur inleiding Televisiewetenschap
- Samenvatting • 74 pagina's • 2023
- €11,39
- 25x verkocht
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Bevat samenvattingen van de wekelijkse literatuur en de uitgewerkte leesvragen. 
Week 1	 
Lotz, Amanda. "Evolution or Revolution? Television in Transformation." Critical Studies in Television 13, no. 4 (2018): 491–494. 
Magder, Ted. "The End of TV 101. Reality Programs, Formats, and the New Business of Television." In Reality TV: Remaking Television Culture, geredigeerd door Laurie Ouellette en Susan Murray, 137-156. New York: New York Univ. Press, 2004. [Blackboard]	5 
Hall, St...

Summary book Marketing Communications 2023
- Samenvatting • 29 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,49
- 5x verkocht
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A summary of the book "Marketing Communications: A European perspective" of de Pelsmacker. For the course Marketing Communications at Tilburg University. 
Chapter 3: How marketing communications work 
Chapter 4: Marketing communications planning 
Chapter 6/7: Media planning 
Chapter 12/13: Measuring Campaign effectiveness 
REMARK!: This summary is based on the 6th Edition , however it is based on the corresponding chapters of the 7th edition. There should be no differences.

VNSG 1304 Foundations of Nursing Chapter 7 & 8 NCLEX Questions and Correct Answers | Latest Update
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 7 pagina's • 2024
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- €9,50
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The nurse has misplaced her computer password. She asks if she can borrow 
your "just for a moment" to view patient data and promises she will not 
document anything. You best course of action is: 
 Inform her to contact the IT Department to obtain a new password. 
(The computer password is your legal signature and must not be shared 
under any circumstance. Even viewing the information together would 
be an invasion of privacy, because you have no justification for 
viewing patient ...

- Samenvatting • 127 pagina's • 2023
- €7,49
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- Lecture 1 Introduction 
- Lecture 2 + Chapter 1 What is innovation + Chapter 3 Innovation as a core business process	 
- Lecture 3 + Chapter 2 Digital is Different + Chapter 4 Developing an innovation strategy	 
- Lecture 4 + Chapter 5 Building the innovative organization 
- Lecture 5 + Chapter 6 Sources of innovation + Chapter 7 Search strategies for innovation	 
- Lecture 6 + Chapter 8 Innovation networks	 
- Lecture 7 + Chapter 9 Dealing with uncertainty	 
- Lecture 8 + Chapter 1...

Samenvatting Selling & Sales Management 10th and 7 articles- 1ZM60 Selling New Products (1ZM60)
- Samenvatting • 51 pagina's • 2023
- €7,99
- 13x verkocht
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This summary contains all chapters of 'Selling and sales management' en de 7 artikele: 
- Barry, J., & Gironda, J. T. (2019). 
Operationalizing thought leadership for 
online B2B marketing. Industrial 
Marketing Management. 
- Ernst, H., Hoyer, W. D., & Rübsaamen, 
C. (2010). Sales, marketing, and 
research-and-development cooperation 
across new product development 
stages: implications for success. Journal 
of Marketing, 74(5), 80-92 
- DiBenedetto (1999). Identifying the Key 
Success Fact...

Book Summary Organizational Behaviour - 422057-B-5 Tilburg University
- Samenvatting • 40 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,50
- 3x verkocht
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Organizational Behaviour Book summary 
course Organizational Behavour 422057-B-5 
Tilburg University 
Chapter 1, 4, 5, 6 ,7 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21 ,22 ( all needed chapters for course)

- Samenvatting • 60 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,89
- 15x verkocht
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An extensive summary of the mandatory chapters of business valuation and the mandatory articles of corporate governance 
Chapter 1: overview of valuation; Chapter 2: Forecasting and Valuing Cash flows; Chapter 4: Estimating a Firms Cost of Capital; Chapter 6: Forecasting financial performance; Chapter 8 Relative valuation using market comparable; Chapter 9 Enterprise valuation 
Articles 1 
Mintz, S. M. (2005). Corporate governance in an internati...

Samenvatting Chapter 7 Karaktertheorieen van Persoonlijkheid: Allport, Eysenck en Catell
- Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2024
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- €2,99
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Een samenvatting over Chapter 7 een artikel dat we moeten lezen in studietaak 2.1 Thema 2 op Brightspace. Het artikel zelf is best lang dus hier heb ik de belangrijke stukken samengevat en op een rijtje gezet. Ook de vragen die aan het begin staan zijn beantwoord op het einde!

Architecture, theory and criticism: chapter 7: Ecology
- Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2024
- €5,89
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In this document, you can find a summary of chapter 7: Ecology that Gideon Boie has given in the lessons "Architecture, theory and criticism". 
 I took notes in class, each with accompanying images. This is a summary of my notes with important references/definitions etc.

fundamentals of psychology: CHAPTER 7 and LECTURE (grade 10/10)
- Samenvatting • 25 pagina's • 2023
- €3,89
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
My summary got me a 10 on the Fundamentals of Psychology exam. You can get it and ace your exam... for the price of a cappuccino! 
By studying with my notes, you won't need to consult the lecture nor the book "Fundamentals of Psychology". I include explanations filled with plenty of images alongside concepts for better understanding, and many examples that will stick complex concepts to your mind easily. Good luck with your exam!

Die samenvatting die je net hebt gekocht, heeft iemand erg blij gemaakt. Ook wekelijks uitbetaald krijgen? Verkoop je studiedocumenten op Stuvia! Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia