Class 2 - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Class 2? Op deze pagina vind je 298 samenvattingen over Class 2.
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All exercises/self study assigments and solutions from Genome Technology and Applications (19/20)
- Samenvatting • 4 pagina's • 2023
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €13,39
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
All exercises/self study assigments and solutions from Genome Technology and Applications (19/20): This document includes all questions AND FULL answers to the exercises of the exercise session of Genome Technology and Applications. It has the answers given by professor Guy van Camp and is thus very accurate for the exam. It contains a compact summary and elaboration of all the exam questions from the course 'Genome Technology and Applications' , and the soluiton/answers of the self study assi...

Extensive Perspectives on Law Summary from 2021 (weeks 1-12)
- Samenvatting • 90 pagina's • 2022
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €23,49
- 15x verkocht
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This document covers all topics which are discussed throughout the course from weeks 1-12. It contains all relevant and mandatory readings + class notes from the course 2021. Those may be helpful for conducting the essays. 
The document contains the following topics: 
Week 1 - Antigone 
Week 2 - Law’s Persuasion 
Week 3 - Legal Knowledge 
Week 4 - Law’s Violence 
Week 5 - Race before the law 
Week 6 - Gender before the Law 
Week 7 - Law’s Globalised Others 
Week 8 - Territory, Spa...

Esri Certification Practice Test 1 Questions and Answers 2024/2025
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 21 pagina's • 2024
- €11,86
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Which two spatial query operators will select point features that are surrounded by polygon 
features? (Select two) 
A. Completely Contain 
B. Are Completely Within 
C. Share a Line Segment With 
D. Intersect 
E. Touch the Boundary Of 
Which limit is set for file geodatabase name length for ArcGIS Desktop? 
A. no limit 
B. limited to 32 characters 
C. limited to 255 characters 
D. limited to the number of characters the operating system allows in a folder name 
Which tool...

ASD Exam | Questions & 100% Correct Answers (Verified) | Latest Update | Grade A+
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 48 pagina's • 2024
- €10,91
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ASD Exam | Questions & 100% Correct 
Answers (Verified) | Latest Update | Grade 
Category 1 
Correct Answer: Category of Water that originates from sanitary water source (Clean) 
Catetroy 2 
Correct Answer: Category of Water that is contaminated; may cause discomfort or sickness 
Category 3 
Correct Answer: Category of Water that is grossly contaminated; includes toxins, pathogens 
Special Situation 
Correct Answer: Regulated or hazardous materials 
Class 1 
Correct Answer: Class...

Alle hoorcolleges en literatuur van Veiligheid in de Samenleving
- College aantekeningen • 79 pagina's • 2023
- €15,00
- 5x verkocht
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Cijfer: 9.0 
Literatuur: Anholt, R. (2017). Governing humanitarian emergencies, protracted crises, and 
(in)security through resilience. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit (hoofdstuk 4). 
Baldwin, D.A. (1997) ‘The concept of security’. Review of International Studies, 23 (1), 
De Bhal, J. (2014). Security: An Essentially Contested Concept?. E-International 
Relations. Van: 
Williams, P.D. & MacDonald, M. (2018) Security studies: an introduction. New York: 
Routledge (introductie pag. 1-1...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 32 pagina's • 2024
- €13,10
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The law of effect 
Correct Answer: The effects of our actions determine whether we will repeat them. 
Organisms learn through consequences. 
Social Validity 
Correct Answer: The goals, procedures, and results of an inervention are acceptable 
to the client, the behavior analyst, and society. 
Reliability Measures 
Correct Answer: The comparison of measurements of dependent variables and 
independent variables obtained by individual observers. 
Informed consent 
Page 2 of 32 
Correct Answer: C...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 25 pagina's • 2024
- €12,81
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Category 1 
Category of Water that originates from sanitary water source (Clean) 
Catetroy 2 
Category of Water that is contaminated; may cause discomfort or sickness (Grey) 
Category 3 
Category of Water that is grossly contaminated; includes toxins, pathogens 
Special Situation 
Regulated or hazardous materials 
Class 1 
Class of water that has least amount of water, absorption and evaporation 
Class 2 
Class of water that has large amount of water, absorption and...

PVRP: hoorcolleges en artikelen voor tentamen samengevat
- Samenvatting • 21 pagina's • 2025
- €8,16
- 1x verkocht
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Deze samenvatting bevat de volgende artikelen: 
1. Dekker, P., Den Ridder, J., Bovens, M., & Tiemeijer, W. L. (2014). Polariseert Nederland?: Ontwikkelingen in politiek-culturele tegenstellingen. Gescheiden werelden?, 103-129. 
2. Bakker, J. (2012). Cultureel-etnische segregatie in het onderwijs: achtergronden, oorzaken en waarom te bestrijden, Pedagogiek, 32(2), 104-126. 
3.Merry, M., Driessen, G. en Oulali, I. (2012). Doet onderwijssegregatie ertoe?, Pedagogiek, 32(2), 151-164. 

World Politics Class Notes and Reading Summaries (2024) Extensive and Detailed: Part 2/2 including Weeks 6-12
- College aantekeningen • 79 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,89
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A detailed summary of notes from all information from lectures, slides, and class discussion, as well as additional information that provides context and facts about all information on slides. Reading summaries for the assigned readings of each week, as well as takeaways, reflections, and conclusions. -- I received a 19/20 on my last oral exam, have an average of 17/20 in my other courses in the program, and am a keen listener in class. -- Clear indication of important points and what Holslag fl...

European Tort Law - Exam Prep
- Samenvatting • 99 pagina's • 2024
- €23,89
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The document contains class notes and notes from the Van Dam book for each module. The case laws are complete and extensively analysed. The following topics are included: 
 Week 1 - history and functioning of tort law 
Week 2 - structure of national systems, protection of interests 
Week 3 - liability based on “wrongs”; the requirement of “fault” 
Week 4 - damage, damages, & loss of a chance 
Week 5 - factual causation; multiple causes 
Week 6 - “legal causation”; con...

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