Goal setting - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Goal setting? Op deze pagina vind je 80 samenvattingen over Goal setting.
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Summary Sport and performance psychology (articles) RUG
- Samenvatting • 68 pagina's • 2024
- €8,46
- 25x verkocht
- + meer info
In this course, the required literature consisted of a series of chapters and articles (27 in total) that provide an overview of key theories, concepts, and findings within the discipline of sport and performance psychology, as well as a critical perspective that examines and challenges these core foundations. The literature covers key theories, models, and research findings affecting both participation and performance in sport, including topics such as motivation and enjoyment, goal setting, me...

Samenvatting/Summary - Organization Theory (441074)
- Samenvatting • 92 pagina's • 2024
- €7,76
- 15x verkocht
- + meer info
This summary gives a clear and extensive overview of all the topics and theories discussed during the classes. For this class I was graded 9.0, hopefully this summary will help you to get a similar grade:)

Samenvatting tentamen Leren & Ontwikkelen in Organisaties - (2000LEO_22)Cijfer 8
- Samenvatting • 33 pagina's • 2024
- €11,24
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Ben je op zoek naar een overzichtelijke, compacte samenvatting die jou helpt de leerstof efficiënt te begrijpen én toe te passen? Deze samenvatting bevat alle belangrijke onderwerpen over HRM, leren & ontwikkelen (L&D), leiderschapsstijlen en strategische personeelsplanning. Ook afgestemd op de toetsmatrijs! 
Wat kun je verwachten? 
 Leiderschapsstijl: De essentials uit hoofdstuk 7.4 van Bedrijfskundige aspecten van HRM. 
 Leren en ontwikkelen: Belangrijke inzichten uit het Handboek Leren &...

Samenvatting Beïnvloeden en veranderen van gedrag - Gedragsbeïnvloeding
- Samenvatting • 25 pagina's • 2024 Populair
- €6,49
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting van alle hoofdstukken van het boek ' beïnvloeden en veranderen van gedrag' de 2e editie geschreven door Carina Wiekens. Ook bevat de samenvatting Hoofdstuk 7 van het boek 'sociale psychologie'.

Summary articles Organization Theory
- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2023
- €6,53
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of almost all the mandatory papers for the course Organization Theory. Only two articles are missing: the last two of Goal-Setting Theory. The other 16 papers are summarized in this document.

Summary articles Design of Effective Performance Management Systems
- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2023
- €8,39
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Includes a summary of the following articles: 
Locke, E.A. & Latham, G.P. (2002). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation. American Psychologist, 57, 9, 705-717. 
DeNisi, A., & Kluger, A. (2000). Feedback effectiveness: Can 360-degree appraisals be improved? Academy of Management Executive, 14(1), 129-139. 
CIPD (2016). Could do better? Assessing what works in performance management. Research report. 
Katz, I. M., Rauvola, R. S., & Rudolph, C. W. (2021). F...

Full Course for HubSpot Marketing Software Final Questions and Answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 20 pagina's • 2024
- €16,13
- + meer info
Full Course for HubSpot Marketing 
Software Final Questions and Answers 
What is the SMART goal setting framework? - CORRECT ANSWER-Acronym, been 
around since the 70s. Template is: Increase _ by (starting at this ammount_ and go to 
this ammount_) by this date_ 
o Why is it important to set SMART goals? - CORRECT ANSWER-(Help you be 
successful and communicate this internally) 
o What does the acronym SMART stand for? - CORRECT ANSWER-Specific, 
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely ...

Performance management 2022/2023
- Samenvatting • 36 pagina's • 2023
- €10,49
- 7x verkocht
- + meer info
Alle artikelen 2022/2023 
§1.1 Article 1: Caprini J., Parker, S., & Griffin M., (2017). – A look back and a leap forward: A review and synthesis of the individual work performance literature. 
§1.2 Article 2: Cascio, W.F. (2006). – The economic impact of employee behaviors on organizational performance. 
§1.3 Article 3: Lievens. F., Schapers, P., & Amp; Herde, C.N. (2020). – Performance Management – Que Vadis? 
Week 2: Performance Management and Feedback and Feedforward (5 articl...

- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 15 pagina's • 2024
- €13,75
- + meer info
goal setting - Answer-teach the patient the value of setting specific, measurable targets for change so the process is more smooth and less time consuming. 
-should be reviewed and revised at regular intervals (every 4 sessions) 
-directed at the entire course of therapy 
- short term and long term 
- client directed 
(pages 64-66) 
Psychoeducation - Answer--CBT skills are learned 
-success rests on how well one teaches these skills 
-arms patients with knowledge that will help them reduce th...
This document contains the lecture slides and very extensive notes taken during the lectures.

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