Thomas block - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Thomas block? Op deze pagina vind je 11 samenvattingen over Thomas block.
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Politieke vraagstukken van duurzaamheid: leerstof VOLLEDIG
- Samenvatting • 31 pagina's • 2023
- €5,99
- 8x verkocht
- + meer info
- Alle wetenschappelijk artikels, hoofdstukken, rapporten, ... die aangeduid zijn als ‘leerstof’. Dus alles behalve de lessen. 
-Alles in het NEDERLANDS (dus niet meer switchen en in uw hoofd bezig zijn met vertalen voor het examen). 
- Voor het gemak heb ik erbij geschreven wanneer er erg veel overlap is met de les, er schema’s of foto’s in verwerkt waar nuttig, en termen gedefinieerd. Heb het beknopt proberen houden. 
- Was echt veel werk, vandaar dat ik er geld voor vraag (Stuvia ho...

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; University of Amsterdam (UVA) course. University of Amsterdam Cultural Anthropology Bachelor. Includes Small places, large issues summary (chapter 14-19) & lectures notes & summary of articles.
- Samenvatting • 72 pagina's • 2022
- €10,98
- 9x verkocht
- + meer info
(SECOND BLOCK) Introduction to Cultural Anthropology University of Amsterdam (UVA) course. (SECOND BLOCK ONLY) University of Amsterdam Cultural Anthropology Bachelor. Includes: - Small Places, Large Issues summary ; chapters 2-13 (Thomas Hylland Eriksen. ISBN 5933) - lectures notes - summary of articles (readings)

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; University of Amsterdam (UVA) course. University of Amsterdam Cultural Anthropology Bachelor. Includes Small places, large issues summary (chapter 2-13) & lectures notes & summary of articles.
- Samenvatting • 84 pagina's • 2022
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €10,99
- 16x verkocht
- + meer info
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology University of Amsterdam (UVA) course. 
University of Amsterdam Cultural Anthropology Bachelor. 
- Small Places, Large Issues summary ; chapters 2-13 (Thomas Hylland Eriksen. ISBN 5933) 
- lectures notes 
- summary of articles (readings)

Summary of all articles MDW
- Samenvatting • 42 pagina's • 2024
- €8,48
- + meer info
Summary of all the articles from the course making diversity work. Include the following articles. Got a 9.1 with this summary. 
Lecture 1: 1. Looking Beyond Our Similarities: How Perceived (In)Visible Dissimilarity Relates to Feelings of Inclusion at Work – Sahin, Van der Toorn, Jansen, Boezeman & Ellemers, 2019, 2. From Best Practices to Best Methods: An Integral, Systematic, and Evidence-Based Approach to D&I Management – Vink, Jansen, Van der Toorn & Ellemers, in prep. 
Lecture 2: 1...

VNSG 1304 Foundations of Nursing Chapter 7 & 8 NCLEX Questions Questions and Answers 2024/2025
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,48
- + meer info
The nurse has misplaced her computer password. She asks if she can borrow your "just for a 
moment" to view patient data and promises she will not document anything. You best course of 
action is: 
 Inform her to contact the IT Department to obtain a new password. (The computer 
password is your legal signature and must not be shared under any circumstance. Even 
viewing the information together would be an invasion of privacy, because you have 
no justification for viewing patient...

IPE Lecture 2: Class Notes + Summary of Chapter 2 (International Political Economy, IRO Year 2 Block 2)
- Samenvatting • 25 pagina's • 2020
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
This document contains my class notes for Lecture 2 from the International Political Economy course, which is taught in Block 2 of the second year of International Relations and Organizations. It also contains my notes from the assigned readings, Chapter 2 from International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley and notes from the assigned Planet Money podcasts, Cotton Wars and WTO Showdown.

IPE Lecture4: Class Notes + Summary of Chapters 6-7 (International Political Economy, IRO Year 2 Block 2)
- Samenvatting • 20 pagina's • 2020
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
This document contains my class notes for Lecture 2 from the International Political Economy course, which is taught in Block 2 of the second year of International Relations and Organizations. It also contains my notes from the assigned readings, Chapters 6-7 from International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley .

Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR OPERATIONS RESEARCH Computer Science
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 272 pagina's • 2022
- €9,49
- + meer info
Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR OPERATIONS RESEARCH Computer Science 
File Intetfaces 
6.1 Environment controls 
6.2 Dictionaries, documents, help and keyword files 
6.3 Execution files 
6.4 Matrix and packed files 
6.5 Solution files 
6.6 Syntax files 
6.7 Rule files 
6.8 Submatrix, block, schema and graph files 
6.9 Setting up an environment for analysis 
CHAPTER 7 Advanced Exercises 
7.1 A forestry model 
7.2 A REDUCE anomaly 
7.3 Assisting model management 
CHAPTER 8 Utiliti...

IPE Lecture1: Class Notes + Summary of Chapter 1 (International Political Economy, IRO Year 2 Block 2)
- College aantekeningen • 9 pagina's • 2020
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
This document contains my class notes for Lecture 1 from the International Political Economy course, which is taught in Block 2 of the second year of International Relations and Organizations. It also contains my notes from the assigned reading, Chapter 1 from International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley .

IPE Lecture3: Class Notes + Summary of Chapters3-4 (International Political Economy, IRO Year 2 Block 2)
- Samenvatting • 19 pagina's • 2020
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €3,99
- + meer info
This document contains my class notes for Lecture 3 from the International Political Economy course, which is taught in Block 2 of the second year of International Relations and Organizations. It also contains my notes from the assigned readings, Chapters 3 and 4 from International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley and notes from the assigned Planet Money podcast, Tires, Taxes and the Grizz.

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