Implicit Bias
Chamberlain College Nursing
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Addressing Implicit Bias in Nursing Questions and answers graded A+
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2024
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Addressing Implicit Bias in Nursing QuestionsImplicit bias is defined as: 
a. Mental shortcuts that help people some up and respond to situations quickly 
b. Unconscious attitudes that precipitate unintentional discriminatory behavior 
c. Set ideas that are deliberate and often inaccurate about what someone is like 
A 2003 report from the Institute of medicine (IOM) confirmed that patients belonging to racial and ethnic minority groups: 
a. Receive adequate but not superior healthcare ser...

Anti-Biased Policing/Implicit Bias questions with correct answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 3 pagina's • 2024
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Anti-Biased Policing/Implicit Bias 
Barriers Impacting Change - correct answer Us vs Them Mentality 
Narrow minded thinking 
Perceived widespread bias 
Over generalization 
Underestimating the problem 
What is biased policing? - correct answer Occurs when the police inappropriately considers race/ethnicity or other characteristics in deciding with whom and/or how to intervene 
GO 1303.05 Bias Based Profiling - correct answer The detention, interdiction, or other disparate treatment of any p...

Attributability, Accountability and Implicit Bias fully solved
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2024
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Attributability, Accountability and Implicit BiasImplicit biases - correct answer We are often unaware of them, we cannot control their influence on our actions and judgements, and they often undermine our considered beliefs and judgements. 
Unlike explicit bias (which reflects the attitudes or beliefs that one endorses at a conscious level), implicit bias is the bias in judgment and/or behavior that results from subtle cognitive processes (e.g., implicit attitudes and implicit stereotypes) t...

cultural competency & implicit bias questions with verified solutions
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2024
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cultural competency & implicit biasinstitutionalized oppression 
Systemic mistreatment of people within a social identity group, supported and enforced by the society and its institutions, solely based on the person’s membership in the social identity group 
five key areas of SDOH 
social determinants of health 
healthcare access & Quality Q 
education A&Q 
social and community context 
econoic stability 
neighborhood and enviornment 
housing quality, access to healthy food and...

Culture and Implicit Bias verified already passed
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 2 pagina's • 2024
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Culture and Implicit Biasimplicit bias health disparities - correct answer inadequate patient assessments, inappropriate diagnosis and treatments, less time involved in patient care, patient discharges with insufficient follow-up 
implicit bias - correct answer form of bias that occurs unintentionally and automatically but still controls judgements and decision making 
when is implicit bias heightened? - correct answer in stressful situations; less time and energy to question our assumptions...

HBM: Implicit Bias questions with answers graded A+
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 2 pagina's • 2024
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HBM: Implicit BiasWhat is implicit bias - correct answer attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding and action in an unconscious manner 
how are implicit biases activated - correct answer by cues (persons skin color) 
how do implicit bias act on us - correct answer silently extert influence on our memory and behavior 
how do implicit biases operate - correct answer outside of awareness, hard to control 
how can this help health disparities ? - correct answer building awarenes...

Implicit Association Test (IAT) ZAPS questions with answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 2 pagina's • 2024
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Implicit Association Test (IAT) ZAPSImplicit Association Test ZAPS - correct answer Aim: identify implicit biases between career/family and gender. 
Procedure: each response has two items, either a gender, career/family. You have toselect the button that the center item belongs to one of the two categories. 
IV: consistent or inconsistent with stereotype 
Dv: RT in sec 
Results: stereotype consistent is faster than stereotype inconsistent 
Discussion: shows an implicit bias that we hol...

Implicit Bias , Quiz 3 well answers
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 4 pagina's • 2024
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Implicit Bias , Quiz 3•The attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, action, and decisions in an unconscious manner. 
what is this? 
Implicit Bias 
what is the other name of implicit bias? 
•Unconscious Bias 
•Causes us to have feeling and attitudes about other people based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, age, and appearance. 
what is this? 
Implicit Bias 
•Developed over the course of a lifetime through exposure to direct and indirect messages (Ra...

IMPLICIT BIAS Chamberlain College Nursing -Implicit Bias Activity well answered
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2024
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Implicit Bias ActivityPeople know all their own biases; they just know they cannot or should not say those beliefs aloud, so they hide them. 
FALSE - correct answer FALSE 
What is the main distinction between our implicit and explicit biases? 
1. Our implicit biases are more likely to be negative than our explicit biases 
2. Explicit bias is more harmful than implicit bias 
3. Our implicit preferences tend to engage our automatic processing while our explicit preferences involve...

Implicit Bias Awareness questions well answered to pass
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 5 pagina's • 2024
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Implicit Bias AwarenessImplicit bias (unconscious bias) - correct answer Known as unconscious bias 
1. To unconsciously associate stereotypes or have an attitude towards an individual or group of people 
2. Most people have implicit bias and do not realize it until an incident occurs and/or someone brings it to their attention 
3. Can negatively impact one's experience, decision making ability, and prevent opportunities and more 
4. Implicit bias is beyond your conscious awareness or control ...

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