DNP 805
Grand Canyon University
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DNP 805 Topic 1 Discussion 1
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 1 Discussion 1 
Select a specific health care technology-related regulation, law, statute, or ethical standard that applies to informatics. Provide a summary of your example and a statement describing your reasoning either in support of the example you select, or in opposition to it. 
Electronic Health Records (EHR) are common in most healthcare settings. According to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), as cited by Thurs...
DNP 805 Topic 3 Discussion 1
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 3 Discussion 1
DNP 801 Topic 6 DQ2
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 3 Discussion 2 
Select a particular medication or clinical problem. Describe how the CPOE and/or CDSS technologies support care decisions in this area. 
Numerous patients live with the complications of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Those living with this chronic condition experience multiple ED admissions and hospitalizations to manage their symptoms. As such it is important for physicians and other practitioners to utilize informatio...
DNP 805 Topic 5 Discussion 2
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 5 Discussion 2 
Using the clinical question you identified from above, determine the individual components to that question and pinpoint the location in the hypothetical database where the information you require will be extracted. 
When exploring the causes of breast cancer, researchers circle back to genetics. There is well-documented research on women who have mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and eventually develop breast cancer. Howev...
DNP 805 Topic 5 Discussion 1
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 5 Discussion 1 
Select a specific clinical problem and post a clinical question that could potentially be answered using data mining. Identify data mining techniques you would apply to this challenge, and provide your rationale. Are there any specific data mining techniques you would not use? Support your decision. 
 A specific clinical problem is unplanned hospital readmissions. Hospital readmission costs an estimated $25 billion dollars ann...
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DNP 805 Topic 2 DQ 1
- Other • 6 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 2 DQ 1 
Discuss the usefulness of the electronic health record (EHR) and its impact on patient safety and quality outcomes. Describe strengths and limitations that might apply to its usage. 
During the last decade, healthcare has witnessed the development and implementation of electronic health records (EHRs). The initial theory was that EHRs would improve patient safety and quality outcomes. Silverman (1998) stated that some of the obvious advantages...
DNP 805 Topic 1 Discussion 2
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 1 Discussion 2
DNP 805 Topic 6 Discussion 1
- Other • 5 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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DNP 805 Topic 6 Discussion 1 
A patient of your choice is being discharged to home and will use telehealth technology. Post the technology your patient will use at home and how will you connect with the patient using this technology. 
Nearly10% of all babies born in the United States are delivered prematurely, and many of these babies are transported from lower levels of care to a neonatal intensive care unit with the capability of providing necessary services and support...
DNP 805 Topic 2 Discussion 2
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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DNP 805 Topic 2 Discussion 2
DNP 805 Topic 7 Discussion 1
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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DNP 805 Topic 7 Discussion 1 
Describe one technology that you use on a daily basis that you thoroughly like or appreciate. What features or elements does that technology provide to you that make it easy, enjoyable, or necessary to use? Name one element of the technology you would change to improve its functionality for your needs? 
Computer systems have revolutionized our everyday lives, making it easier and faster to do many important tasks, and often taking over the more munda...
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