NURS 6650 (NURS6650)
Walden University
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NURS 6650 Week 11 Final Exam 2022 (July Submission 100% Correct) (VERIFIED ANSWERS)
- Examen • 29 pages • 2022
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- $13.49
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NURS 6650 Week 11 Final Exam 2022 (July Submission 100% Correct) (VERIFIED ANSWERS) 
 Group participation is an important aspect of how successful group therapy will be. The PMHNP recognizes that the gender of group participants can play a role in the likelihood of group participation. Which statement about gender and group composition does the PMHNP take into account? 
Question: During his second group therapy session, a member, who was quiet the previous week, becomes very judgmental. He criti...

NURS 6650 Midterm Exam
- Examen • 17 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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While in a family therapy session, a wife comments, “Instead of spending time with 
me, he is usually watching sports on television.” Using an emotionally focused family 
therapy approach, what is an appropriate response by a PMHNP using an evocative 
question technique? 
“How are you feeling now as you are sharing that?” 
 Question 2 
0 out of 1 points 
The PMHNP is discussing problem-solving techniques with a married couple. What 
recommendation will the PMHNP...

NURS-6650N-1,Psychotherapy Group Midterm Exam - Week 6
- Examen • 75 pages • 2022
- $9.99
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vA client in group therapy has been suffering from anxiety and is worried that she will have a panic attack again. Which of the following interventions demonstrates use of the principle of imparting knowledge? 
Explaining to the client the nature of panic attacks and that it is natural to 
worry about having another panic attack, and that this becomes a vicious cycle that can trigger a panic attack ● Question 2 
1 out of 1 points 
The PMHNP is meeting with a single mothe...
NURS 6650 / NURS 6650N Final Exam Latest 2022

NURS 6650 Midterm Exam.pdf
- Examen • 17 pages • 2022
- $13.49
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• Question I1 
1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 While Iin Ia Ifamily Itherapy Isession, Ia Iwife Icomments, I“Instead Iof Ispending Itime Iwith Ime, Ihe Iis Iusually Iwatching Isports Ion Itelevision.” IUsing Ian Iemotionally Ifocused Ifamily Itherapy Iapproach, Iwhat Iis Ian Iappropriate Iresponse Iby Ia IPMHNP Iusing Ian Ievocative Iquestion Itechnique? Selected IAnswer: B. I “How Iare Iyou Ifeeling Inow Ias Iyou Iare Isharing Ithat?” 
 • Question I2 0 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 The IP...

- Examen • 18 pages • 2022
- $20.49
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• Question I1 
0 Iout Iof I0 Ipoints 
 When Icompleting Ithis Iexam, Idid Iyou Icomply Iwith IWalden IUniversity’s ICode Iof IConduct Iincluding Ithe Iexpectations Ifor Iacademic Iintegrity? 
Selected IAnswer: Yes 
• Question I2 
1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 One Imember Iof Ia Itherapy Igroup Ihad Ibeen Iquiet Ifor Ithe Ifirst Iseveral Isessions. IThe Imember Irevealed Ito Ithe Iother Imembers Ifeeling Iof Idepression Iand Iemptiness. IThis Iweek, Ithe Imember Iwas Ifull Iof Ie...

NURS 6650 Final Exam 3.pdf
- Examen • 25 pages • 2022
- $20.49
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1. Group iparticipation iis ian iimportant iaspect iof ihow isuccessful igroup itherapy iwill ibe. iThe iPMHNP irecognizes ithat ithe igender iof igroup iparticipants ican iplay ia irole iin ithe ilikelihood iof igroup iparticipation. iWhich istatement iabout igender iand igroup icomposition idoes ithe iPMHNP itake iinto iaccount? A. Men idisplay imore iintimacy iand iless icompetition iin iall-male igroups. B. Women idisplay iless iintimacy iand imore icompetition iin iall-female igroups. C....

NURS 6650 Final Exam 2.pdf
- Examen • 18 pages • 2022
- $20.49
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• Question I1 
1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 In Ia Igroup Itherapy Isession Ifor Iadolescents, Ia I15-year-old Ipatient Isays Ihe Ihas Itrouble Imaking Iconversation Iwith Ipeople Ihe Idoes Inot Iknow Iwell. IBased Ion Ithe Iprinciple Iof Idevelopment Iof Isocializing Itechniques, Iwhat Iexplicit Iapproach Imight Ithe IPMHNP Itake? Selected IAnswer: C. I Have Igroup Imembers Iconduct Ia Irole Iplay Ito Ipractice Imaking Iconversation 
 • Question I2 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 One Igroup Ime...

NURS-6650N-3/NURS-6650D-3/NURS-6650C-3-Pyschotherapy IGroup I
- Examen • 18 pages • 2022
- $17.49
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Question I3 I 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints I I 
 The IPMHNP Iis Iproviding Ifamily Itherapy Ito Ia Imarried Icouple Ihaving Ian Iissue Iwith Icommunication. IUsing Ithe Istructural Ifamily Imodel, Iwhat Idoes Ithe IPMNHP Ihave Ithe Icouple Ido Ias Ipart Iof Ienactment? 
Question I4 I 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints I I 
 The IPMHNP Ihas Ijust Icompleted Ian Iintake Iassessment Ion Ia I15-year-old Ipatient Iand Ibelieves Ithe Ipatient Iwould Ibenefit Ifrom Ifamily Itherapy. IHow Idoes Ithe IPM...

NURS6650 Week 6 Midterm Exam
- Examen • 21 pages • 2022
- $44.99
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1.	Question:Ms. Hill is currently being treated for schizophrenia but has stopped taking her medications due to some side effects she claims she was experiencing. She presents to the clinic today with worsening symptoms. She is experiencing anhedonia, agitation, attentional impairment, and affective blunting. Which one of the symptoms mentioned is considered a positive symptom of schizophrenia? 
2.	Question:Mrs. Schwartzman is a 52-year-old patient with schizophrenia and no established historyof...

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