HIST 410

Devry University

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HIST 410N Week 7 Case Study 6: Mikhail Gorbachev 1988 UN Speech
  • HIST 410N Week 7 Case Study 6: Mikhail Gorbachev 1988 UN Speech

  • Case • 3 pages • 2020
  • Available in package deal
  • If the pace of improving US-Soviet relations seemed rapid, Mikhail Gorbachev’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly would shift the process into overdrive. In this remarkable oration, which you can find by clicking on the link below, Gorbachev emphatically declared that all nations must have the freedom to choose their own destiny, that ideology had no place in foreign affairs, and that great powers should renounce the use of force in international relations. Review his speech and ans...
  • ramnurse
  • $7.49
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