MGMT 404 Project Management (MGMT404PROJECTMANAGEME (MGMT404)
Devry University
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MGMT 404 Week 6 Video Quiz Devry
- Overig • 2 pagina's • 2023
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1.	Question: Risk response techniques include which of the following 
2.	Question: Examples of the transfer risk strategy includes which of the following

MGMT 404 Week 5 Discussion Project Baseline Devry
- Overig • 4 pagina's • 2023
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MGMT 404 Week 5 Discussion: Project Baseline 
According to the PMBOK® Guide, what are project baselines?

MGMT 404 Week 5 Quiz - Chapters 8, 9, and 10 Devry
- Overig • 5 pagina's • 2023
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1.	Question:ConsidertheprogrammersresourcehistogrampresentedinFigure8-3.Ifonlysixprogrammersareavailableto supportthis project,whichof the followingconclusionsisvalid? 
2.	Question:ConsidertheprogrammersresourcehistogrampresentedinFigure8-3.Howmanyprogrammersarerequiredduring the fifth weekofthisproject? 
3.	Question:CriticalChainProjectManagement(CCPM)attemptstokeepthemosthighlydemandedresourcebusyoncriticalchain activities,butnotoverloaded. 
4.	Question:Evenwhenaprojectteamdoes notidentifyindi...

MGMT 404 Week 4 Course Project Part 2 (Includes Sections C and D) The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project (Version 1) Devry
- Overig • 10 pagina's • 2023
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MGMT 404 Week 4 Course Project Part 2 (Includes Sections C and D) The Getta Byte - New Billing System Project (Version 1) Devry

MGMT 404 Week 4 Course Project Part 2 Devry
- Overig • 27 pagina's • 2023
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The Getta Bill Software is a software that will help improve over our current software in more ways than one. Weplan on utilizing this new software to replace the manual entities that we are currently doing with an automated system.Alongwiththesystembeingautomatedwehopethatitwillbringamoreaccurate,easy,andfasterdataentrysystem.This new system will be an online system that will improve accuracy and have a potential 25% savings in labor costs eachmonth. With a successful transition into the new sy...

MGMT 404 Week 4 Course Project Part 2 (Sections C and D) - Getta Byte Software Project (Version 3) Devry
- Overig • 15 pagina's • 2023
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1.1	Projectgoalsandobjectives 
The Getta Byte Software project is a mission that is formed with the main goal in mind ofsubstitutingtheon-goingmanualonline-basedbillingsystemthatwillenableaconcise,easy,andfast data entry system. It is worth noting that the existing system has the capability of helping thecompany to carry out the duties in daily operations. This is quite fine, but there are a fewchallenges that call for an online system. The first concern is that the existing system is manualand,...

MGMT 404 Week 4 Discussion The Project Schedule Devry
- Overig • 2 pagina's • 2023
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According to the PMBOK® Guide, there are six processes in the project time managementknowledgearea.Howdotheseprocessesinteractinthecreationoftheproject schedule? 
I.	Definitionofactivities 
II.	Sequencingofactivities 
III.	Estimatingresources 
IV.	Estimatingactivityduration 
V.	Developingaprojectschedule 
VI.	Controllingtheschedule

MGMT 404 Week 4 Midterm Devry
- Overig • 9 pagina's • 2023
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Question: (TCO1)Whichstepoftheprojectlife 
1.	Question: (TCO1)Whichstepoftheprojectlifecyclecreatestheprojectcharter? 
2.	Question: (TCO1)Whichdocumentonaprojectauthorizestheprojectmanagertobeginworkontheproject? 
3.	Question: (TCO2)Whichstepoftheprojectlifecycledefinesalloftheprojectdeliverables? 
4.	Question: (TCO 2) Which statement is an example of a project assumption? 
Week 2 Lecture 
5.	Question: (TCO 3) The critical path in a project describes which of the following? 

MGMT 404 Week 4 Video Quiz Devry
- Overig • 9 pagina's • 2023
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[Topic title: Work Breakdown Structure. The presenter is BarbWaters.] You can tackle any major job in your personal or work lifebybreakingitdownintomanageableandachievablesteps.Inthecontext of project management, the work breakdown structure, orWBS,givesyoucontrolofaprojectbybreakingworkdownintomanageableunits.TocreateaWBS,youuseaprocesscalleddecomposition.Duringdecomposition,yousubdividetheelementsofyourprojectintoprogressivelysmallercomponentsstartingwiththeprojectnamea...

MGMT 404 Week 3 Discussion Project Scope Devry
- Overig • 2 pagina's • 2023
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MGMT 404 Week3:TheProjectScopeDiscussionPost#1 

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