Irvine Valley College
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Aktuellste Notizen und Zusammenfassungen Irvine Valley College
Explore the core components of cellular biology with these succinct and focused notes. Covering key aspects such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus etc , this document provides a clear understanding of essential cellular structures and their functions. Perfect for quick revision or detailed study sessions, these notes are your go-to resource for unlocking the secrets of cellular biology.
Types of attributions, fundamental attribution error, salience’s
Motives for conformity, factors affecting conformity, principles of compliance
Definitions and explanations of variables, and details about experiments
Definitions and explanations of types of schemas, thinking, heuristics
ABC’s, factors of attitude strength, types of conditioning
Definitions and explain actions for different routes, and factors.
Definitions and explain actions about types of research, variables, methods
key times and focuses of social psychology, definitions
These documents are course notes of social psychology up until the midterm. Information from research methods to attributions and attitudes.