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You have a patient with forward head posture. What are 3 techniques that you could use to address this impairment? 
- bilateral upper thoracic release 
- elongation of paravertebral muscles 
- axial flexion of c/s 
- mobilization of OA 
- SCM muscle play 
- cervical spine laminar release 
- upper trap release 
- levator scap release 
You have a patient with forward shoulder posture. What are 2 techniques you could use to help with this? 
- diaphragm release 
- subscapularis techniques (2) ...
Some examples of Hoffa massage techniques would include: 
 rolling, tapotement and fingertip kneading 
urage, petrissage, and tapotement 
ion techniques 
mic compression, trigger point release 
urage, petrissage, and tapotement 
Which of the following could be described as a technique that incorporates gentle sequences of movement that would allow for slow deliberate changing of abnormal inefficient movement patterns into normal, efficient movements? 
a. Myofasical Release 
b. ...