CHEM 1211 (CHEM1211)
The University Of Georgia
Populaire samengevatte studieboeken

Paul Flowers, Klaus Hellmut Theopold, Richard Langley, Edward J. Neth, William R. Robinson
11 documenten
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Chemistry 1211 / Chemistry I Thermochemistry Class Notes
- College aantekeningen • 18 pagina's • 2023
- $7.99
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This document provides detailed notes for Chemistry I’s chapter on thermochemistry. It contains information on calorimetry, heats of formation, work, Hess’s Law, and endothermic vs exothermic reactions. It also includes practice problems with answers.

Chemistry I Electron Geometry and Molecular Shapes Table
- Samenvatting • 1 pagina's • 2023
- $7.99
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This table provides a clear description of the bonding regions, non-bonding pairs, regions of electron density, and hybridization of all of the molecular shapes and electron geometries given in Chemistry 1211/ Chemistry I.

Chemistry 1211 / Chemistry I Bonding and Molecular Geometry Notes
- College aantekeningen • 17 pagina's • 2023
- $7.99
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This document contains detailed notes concerning ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds, along with VSEPR theory, Molecular Orbital Theory, and periodic trends such as ionization energy and electron affinity. Contains all of the molecular shapes as well as information on hybridization.
Recitation 13
This is recitation 6 and 13 for Freshman Gen Chem

Textbook Notes CHEM 1211 General Chemistry, UGA CHEM 1211
- College aantekeningen • 10 pagina's • 2021
- $15.49
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Hey everyone! I'm a sophomore who took 1211 last year and I got an A! I'm selling my notes that basically highlighted all the textbook information! It's 30+ pages and covers 1211 and 1212 (because you need to know 1311 material for the final

Chapter 3 overview: study guide
- Study guide • 3 pagina's • 2020
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- $6.49
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Comprehensive notes taken from Chem 1211 textbook and in-class powerpoints. Colorful, easy to understand, and EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE TEST. Master the horrors of UGA gen chem with these notes!

Everything You Need to Know: 9.3-9.4
- Boek aantekeningen • 6 pagina's • 2020
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- $6.49
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Comprehensive notes taken from Chem 1211 textbook and in-class powerpoints. Colorful, easy to understand, and EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE TEST. Master the horrors of UGA gen chem with these notes!

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