Chamberlain College Of Nursng
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ATLS Online Practice Exam 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
- $13.08
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Definitive control of the airway is achieved by ____________ - Endotracheal intubation 
How do you treat hypothermia in the ED? - crystalloid fluids at 102.2 degrees F and warmed treatment area 
What does definitive hemorrhage control refer to? 
(3) - 1) Possible surgery 
2) Stabilizing of pelvis 
3) Angioembolization 
What are rates of fluid administration measured by? - Size and length of catheter 
Minimum flow rate of oxygen reservoir mask - 11 L/min 
MCC of shock in trauma pt - Hyp...

ATLS Written Review Exam 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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- $13.08
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What is the primary goal of treating TBI? How is this done? - preventing secondary brain injury. This is done by maintaining blood pressure and providing adequate profusion. 
After managing ABCDEs of TBI what MUST be identified if present? How is this done? - mass lesion that requires surgical evacuation is critical! this is done with CT. NOTE: obtaining a CT should not delay patient transfer to trauma center. 
Which brain lobes do the following hold: 
1. anterior fossa: 
2. middle fossa: ...

ATLS Test 1 Exam 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2023
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A 22-year-old man is hypotensive and tachycardic after a shotgun wound to the left shoulder. His blood pressure is initially 80/40 mm Hg. After initial fluid resuscitation his blood pressure increases to 122/84 mm Hg. His heart rate is now 100 beats per minute and his respiratory rate is 28 breaths per minute. A tube thoracostomy is performed for decreased left chest breath sounds with the return of a small amount of blood and no air leak. After chest tube insertion, the most appropriate next st...

ATLS Exam Questions and Answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
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- $13.08
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True or false? Although the mechanism of injury may be similar to those for the younger population, data shows increased mortality with similar severity of injury in older adults. - True 
In the elderly population, what is decreased physiological reserve? - aging is characterized by impaired adaptive and homeostatic mechanisms that caused an increased susceptibility to the stress of injury. Insults tolerated by the younger population can lead to devastating results in elderly patients. 

ATLS practice questions 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 30 pages • 2023
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Assessed first in trauma patient - Airway 
(*)Degree of burn that is characterized by bone involvement - Fourth 
Complications of head trauma - Intracerebral hematoma 
Extradural hematoma 
Brain abscess 
Most common cause of laryngotracheal stenosis - Trauma 
Intervention that can help prevent development of acute renal failure - Infusion of normal saline 
A 26-year-old male is resuscitated with blood transfusion after a motor vehicle collision that was complicated by a fractured pelvi...

ATLS Online Exam 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2023
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- $13.08
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Patients with a GSC of less than ___ usually require intubation. - 8 
The "A" in ABCD stands for _______. - Airway maintenance with CERVICAL SPINE PROTECTION 
You should assume that any patient in a multisystem trauma with an altered level of consciousness or blunt injury above the clavicle has what type of injury? - Cervical spine injury 
Flail chest is invariably accompanied by ______ which can interfere with blood oxygenation. - pulmonary contusion - do NOT over fluid resuscitate thes...

ATLS Pretest Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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- $13.08
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A 22-year-old man is hypotensive and tachycardic after a shotgun wound to the left shoulder. His blood pressure is initially 80/40 mm Hg. After initial fluid resuscitation his blood pressure increases to 122/84 mm Hg. His heart rate is now 100 beats per minute and his respiratory rate is 28 breaths per minute. A tube thoracostomy is performed for decreased left chest breath sounds with the return of a small amount of blood and no air leak. After chest tube insertion, the most appropriate next st...

ATLS Advanced Exam 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2023
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- $13.08
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Patients with a GSC of less than ___ usually require intubation. - 8 
The "A" in ABCD stands for _______. - Airway maintenance with CERVICAL SPINE PROTECTION 
You should assume that any patient in a multisystem trauma with an altered level of consciousness or blunt injury above the clavicle has what type of injury? - Cervical spine injury 
Flail chest is invariably accompanied by ______ which can interfere with blood oxygenation. - pulmonary contusion - do NOT over fluid resuscitate these ...

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