Qma (QMA)
Ivy Tech Community College Of Indiana - Columbus
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QMA State test| 135 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2023
- $11.00
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ccms correct answer: clean catch midstream QMA scope of practice correct answer: may perform hemoccult testing on stool specimens as ordered by a physician hemoccult testing correct answer: A screen for fecal occult blood Hemoccult test slide (quaiac paper) correct answer: assess for expiration date hypovalemia correct answer: state of decreased blood volume. May cause a high false oximetry reading. QMA's may not apply oxygen to a resident in an emergency without a physicians order. correct ans...
QMA State test questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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The threat to use force against another person and carrying out the threat is correct answer: Assault and Battery 
All individuals are legally protected from? correct answer: Libel and slander and Assault and battery 
The omission or neglect of any reasonable precaution, care or action is ? correct answer: Negligence 
Both healthcare workers and residents are protected by the standard of ? correct answer: Reasonable care
QMA PRACTICE TEST QUESTIONS 6 (LESSONS 19-20) questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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Which blood vessels carry blood to the heart? correct answer: veins 
Which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart? correct answer: arteries 
What is the function of white blood cells? correct answer: fight infection 
What is the function of red blood cells? correct answer: carry iron in the form of hemoglobin
QMA PRACTICE TEST #9 LESSONS 25-28 questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $8.79
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Immunity acquired by having a disease is called? correct answer: active immunity 
Immunity acquired by passing antibodies from a mother's bloodstream to a baby's bloodstream is called? correct answer: passive immunity 
AIDS is transmitted by? correct answer: sexual intercourse, shared needles, infected mother's passing on to the fetus, blood transfusions 
An immunization would be given
QMA practice test| 77 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
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- $12.99
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Mrs. Smith is complaining of loss of appetite, blurred vision, and says she sees yellow and green halos. There are side effects of which medication: 
A. Dioxin 
B. Macrodantin 
C. Lasix 
D. Vitamin B12 correct answer: A. Digoxin 
How many times should medication be checked before administering? 
A. 4 
B. 6 
C. 2 
D. 3 correct answer: D. 3 
All of the following are examples of medication administration safety procedures except: 
A. Let the resident's family administer meds when possible ...
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QMA Practice Test| 214 questions| with complete solutions| everything you need!!!!
- Exam (elaborations) • 53 pages • 2023
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QMA Practice Test #1 (Lessons 1-7) QMA Practice Test #1 (Lessons 1-7) 
The QMA is prohibited from performing which of the folllowing tasks: 
1)Assessing the resident's condition 
2) Calling the physician 
3) Administering a medication per nasogastric tube 
4)Administering a medication by injection 
5) All of the above 
6) NOne of the above correct answer: 5) All of the above 
The QMA's scope of practice includes which of the following: 
1) Observe and report to the facility's licensed n...
QMA practice test| 212 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 24 pages • 2023
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- $13.99
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The Qma is PROHIBITED from performing what tasks correct answer: a. assessing the residents condition 
b. calling the physician 
c. administering a medication per nasogastric tube 
d. administering a medication by injection 
What are some of the QMA scope of practice correct answer: a. observe and report to the facility licensed nurse reactions and side effects to a medication exhibited by a resident 
b. initiate oxygen per nasal cannula or non-sealing mask only in an emergency 
c. count ...
QMA Practice Test #1 (Lessons 1-7) questions with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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- $8.49
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QMA is PROHIBITED from performing correct answer: • Assessing resident's condition 
• Calling physician 
• Administering medication per nasogastric tube 
• Administering medication by injection 
The QMA Scope of Practice correct answer: • Observe and report to the facility's license nurse reaction and site effects to medications exhibit by resident 
• Initiate oxygen per nasal cannula or nonsealing mask only for emergency 
• Count and administer and document contr...
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $6.49
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A————— is required before any member of the healthcare team can administer a medication correct answer: Physicians order 
If a physician gives a nurse a medication order by telephone when should he or she must sign the order correct answer: On his or her next visit to the facility 
Verbal or telephone orders from the physician may be taken by a correct answer: Licensed nurse or pharmacist 
If a medication order is unclear the QMA has the responsibility to: 
A. Question any med...
Role and Responsibilities of the QMA
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
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- $6.69
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True or False? a QMA can assess a resident's condition correct answer: False 
True or False? a QMA can call a physician correct answer: False 
True or False? a QMA can administer medication by injection correct answer: False
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