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Nieuwste samenvattingen Personal
Baby iSteps i- iCORRECT iANSWER-7 isteps ito ia ihealthy ifinancial iplan 
Compound iInterest i- iCORRECT iANSWER-Interest ipaid ion iinterest ipreviously iearned; icredited idaily, imonthly, iquarterly, isemi-annually ior iannually ion iboth iprincipal iand ipreviously icredited iinterest 
Emergency iFund i- iCORRECT iANSWER-3-6 imonths iof iexpenses iin ireadily iavailable icash ito ibe iused ionly iin ian iemergency 
Interest iRate i- iCORRECT iANSWER-The ipercent ipaid ito ia ilender i...
annual ifee i- iCORRECT iANSWER-fee icharged iby ia icredit icard icompany ifor ithe iuse iof itheir icredit icard 
annual ipercentage irate i- iCORRECT iANSWER-cost iof iborrowing imoney ion ian iannual ibasis; itakes iinto iaccount ithe iinterest irate iand iother irelated ifees ion ia iloan 
ATM i- iCORRECT iANSWER-Automatic iTeller iMachine-a ibank imachine ithat igives iout icash ifrom iyour iaccount iand iaccepts ideposits iaround ithe iclock. 
bank i- iCORRECT iANSWER-stores imoney ...
Personal Finance - CORRECT ANSWER-process of planning, spending, financing, and investing so as to optimize your financial situation 
Personal Financial Plan - CORRECT ANSWER-A plan that specifies your financial goals and plans to achieve them 
Opportunity Cost - CORRECT ANSWER-What you give up as a result of a decision 
Financial Plan Components - CORRECT ANSWER-1. Budgeting and tax planning 
2. Managing your liquidity 
3. Financing your large purchases 
4. Protecting your assets and inco...
What iis ian iexpense ithat iyou ican ichoose ito ispend ior ican iadjust? i- iCORRECT iANSWER-flexible 
What ido iyou igive iup iwhen iyou idecide ito iuse icredit icards? i- iCORRECT iANSWER-You igive iup ithe iability ito ispend iin ithe ifuture iin iorder ito ispend inow 
You ican icheck iyour icar's ioil ilevel iby ireading iyour icar's? i- iCORRECT iANSWER-Dipstick 
What iis ithe ihighest ipercentage iof ia ifamily's iincome ispent ion? i- iCORRECT iANSWER-house, icar 
What iis ...
Personal Nutrition Review Exam Containing 
Question and Correct Answers 2024 
Trans-unsaturated fats - ANSWER A type of unsaturated fat present in hydrogenated 
- increase the risk of heart disease. 
Trans fat (increase) - ANSWER Increases harmful ; LDL and in large amounts 
Trans fat (decrease) - ANSWER Decrease helpful HDL 
Healthiest >>>> Least Healthy fats - ANSWER Polyunsaturated Omega-3 
Polyunsaturated Omega-6 
Saturated fats 
trans-unsaturated fats 
Of t...
Personal Finance 2023 Test Questions and Correct Answers 
Dave Ramsey - Answer-Financial Guru we have studied this semester. 
Budget - Answer-Something you should do every month to keep track of your money. 
Personal Finance - Answer-The study of money for an individual. 
Landlord - Answer-Person who owns the home you are renting from. 
Accounts - Answer-Your bank houses these. 
Cash Value - Answer-The 
Gross earnings - Answer-After tax money 
APR - Answer-Annual percentage rate 