PSYC 2000 (PSYC101)
Louisiana State University
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PSYC 2000 Introduction to Psychology Louisiana State University
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2024
- $14.99
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PSYC 2000 Introduction to Psychology Louisiana State University Psychology: Scientific study of the mind and behavior - Psychologists study everything about the human experience (Human brain, consciousness, memory, personality, etc. Psych- soul, mind Ology-scientific study of - Scientific (quantified), Behavior (observable outward action), & Mental Processes (thoughts/feelings)
Review given to us with the correct answers! Identical to Vaughn's final!
This is all my personal notes and powerpoint notes from these specific chapters in this class!
This is all my personal notes and powerpoint notes from these specific chapters in this class!
This is all my personal notes and powerpoint notes from these specific chapters in this class!

chpt. 6 -- learning
- Class notes • 8 pages • 2022
- $10.99
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This is intro. to Psychology class notes on learning. This document goes into detail about learning, unlearned behaviors, classical conditioning, the processes of classical conditioning, behaviorism, Watson's Little Albert study, operant conditioning, the Skinner Box, reinforcement, providing reinforcement, partial reinforcement examples, partial reinforcement schedules, the variable ratio schedule, punishment, problems with punishment, effective punishment, shaping, primary and secondary reinf...

chpt. 1 -- intro. to psychology
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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This is intro. to Psychology class notes on intro. to psychology. This document goes into detail about historical founders & figures, structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt psychology, behaviorism, shifting focus from internal to external, humanism, cognitivism, increasing modernization, feminist psychology, multicultural psychology, biopsychology, evolutionary psychology, sensation & perception, cognitive psychology, personality psychology, sociocultural psychology, industrial-organizational psy...

chpt. 2 -- psychological research
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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This is intro. to Psychology class notes on psychological research. This document goes into detail about the importance of research, the use of research, conducting research, the scientific method, hypothesis, approaches to research, correlational research, correlations, correlation direction, size, correlation and causation, confounding variables, illusory correlation, confirmation bias, experimental research, experimental design, biases, the placebo effect, potential solutions, reliability & v...

chpt. 3 -- biopsychology
- Class notes • 9 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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This is intro. to Psychology class notes on biopsychology. This document goes into detail about the study of genetics, a genetics overview, gene-environment interactions, twin studies, cells of the nervous system, parts of a neuron, neuronal communication, neurotransmitters and medications, the parts of the nervous system, the somatic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, the spinal cord, the brain, brain "wrinkles", the lateralization of the brain, the utility of case studies, the fo...

chpt. 4 -- states of consciousness
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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This is intro. to Psychology class notes on states of consciousness. This document goes into detail about states of consciousness, biological rhythms, circadian rhythms, sleep regulation, what sleep is, the stages of sleep, brain waves during sleep, NREM sleep, REM sleep, theories of dreaming, altered states, substance use, depressants, stimulants, opioids, hallucinogen, other altered states, hypnotism, and meditation.

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