Social studies

Harvard University

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Answer to Essays - Culture of Indigenous People of North America, Native Americans, European Empires and their Colonies, and the Significance of the American Revolution of 1776 to 1783
  • Answer to Essays - Culture of Indigenous People of North America, Native Americans, European Empires and their Colonies, and the Significance of the American Revolution of 1776 to 1783

  • Essay • 2 pagina's • 2021
  • Culture of Indigenous People of North America, Native Americans, European Empires and their Colonies, and the Significance of the American Revolution of 1776 to 1783. This document answers four questions: (1) THE CULTURE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF NORTH AMERICA UNIQUE? IN WHAT WAY? (2) HOW DID THE NATIVE AMERICANS ADAPT TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT? (3) HOW DID THE EUROPEAN EMPIRES ACQUIRE THEIR COLONIES IN THE AMERICAN CONTINENT? (4) EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION O...
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Answer to Essays - Importance of Rivers and Seaways in NA, why the Panama Canal was Constructed, and the Difference between the Geographies of North America and Africa
  • Answer to Essays - Importance of Rivers and Seaways in NA, why the Panama Canal was Constructed, and the Difference between the Geographies of North America and Africa

  • Essay • 2 pagina's • 2021
  • Importance of Rivers and Seaways in NA, why the Panama Canal was Constructed, and the Difference between the Geographies of North America and Africa. This document answers three questions: (1) Explain the economic importance of rivers and seaways in North America. (2) What was the reason why Panama Canal was constructed? (3) Compare and contrast the geography of North America to Africa. Guaranteed for a Good Grade with Perfect Grammar. Download Now and Support Me!
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Answers with KWL - Africa from Colonialism to Independence
  • Answers with KWL - Africa from Colonialism to Independence

  • Essay • 3 pagina's • 2021
  • Answers with KWL - Africa from Colonialism to Independence. This document answers three questions: (1) What were some of the problems facing Europe from the 18th to the 19th centuries? (2) Why did some European powers want to colonise some of the countries in Africa? (3) How was the resistance of the native Africans against the Europeans helpful in acquiring their freedom? It also includes a KWL about this topic. Guaranteed for a Good Grade with Perfect Grammar. Download Now and S...
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European Colonialism in Africa
  • European Colonialism in Africa

  • College aantekeningen • 3 pagina's • 2021
  • European Colonialism in Africa. This includes Africa, diplomats, the Berlin Conference, European nations, Africa from colonialism to independence, new countries in Africa, Colonial Boundaries, Liberia and Ethiopia. This document answers three questions: (1) How did African colonies gain independence? (2) How did colonialism affect African countries after independence? (3) Which African countries remained independent during colonialism? Download Now and Support Me!
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Biography of Patrice Hemery Lumumba
  • Biography of Patrice Hemery Lumumba

  • College aantekeningen • 3 pagina's • 2021
  • Biography of Patrice Hemery Lumumba. This includes his entry into politics, his whole story, how the Belgian government were involved, his prime ministership, the Congo, United Nations forces, President Kasavubu, his dismissal, arrest, and assassination, Col. Joseph Mobutu, the Katangan Government, and a complete timeline from 1925 to 1961.' Download Now and Support Me!
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Answer to Essays - Importance of a Country's Physical Features, North America's Physical Features, the Artic North's Phenomenon
  • Answer to Essays - Importance of a Country's Physical Features, North America's Physical Features, the Artic North's Phenomenon

  • Essay • 3 pagina's • 2021
  • Importance of a Country's Physical Features, North America's Physical Features, the Artic North's Phenomenon. This document answers three questions: (1) Is the study of the physical features of a country or region important? Why or why not? (2) Identify at least three physical features of North America and describe each one. (3) Why do some of the areas in the Artic North have darkness for one half of a year and sunlight for the other? Guaranteed for a Good Grade with Perfect ...
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