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FISDAP Medical Exam 2023 Graded A+
- Examen • 4 pages • 2023
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FISDAP Medical Exam 2023 Graded A+ Which of the following meds helps the body transport sugar into the cells? - CORRECT ANS Insulin A 32 year old patient is found unconsious in the snow. You cannot detect a pulse or respiration rate within 10 seconds. What should you do? - CORRECT ANS assess her pulse for 30-45 seconds An adult male is sitting alone in a dark room, rocking back and forth. he mutters to his sock puppet "are you feeling sad?" what should you do? - CORRECT ANS introd...

UPDATED FISDAP FINAL EXAM 2024/2025 Verified and Graded A+
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
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- $15.49
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FISDAP FINAL EXAM 2023 Verified and Graded A+ CPR process CORRECT ANS - 1. Check responsiveness 2. Call ALS and request AED 3. Begin compressions 4. Attach AED and follow instructions 5. Compress and BVM at 30:2 Normal Adult Pulse CORRECT ANS - 60-100 bpm (beats per minute) Normal Adult Respiratory Rate CORRECT ANS - 12-20 breaths per minute (bpm) Normal Blood Pressure CORRECT ANS - 120-90/80-60 mmHg Shock Signs CORRECT ANS - 1. Pale, Cool, and Diaphoretic 2. Low BP 3. High HR R...

FISDAP Medical Exam 2023 Graded A+
- Examen • 4 pages • 2023
- $10.99
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Which of the following meds helps the body transport sugar into the cells? - CORRECT ANS Insulin A 32 year old patient is found unconsious in the snow. You cannot detect a pulse or respiration rate within 10 seconds. What should you do? - CORRECT ANS assess her pulse for 30-45 seconds An adult male is sitting alone in a dark room, rocking back and forth. he mutters to his sock puppet "are you feeling sad?" what should you do? - CORRECT ANS introduce yourself and start an assessment a 4...
EMT FISDAP EXAMS Bundled Together with complete solutions Questions and Answers (Verified Answers

FISDAP Medical Exam | 74 Questions | 100% Correct Answers
- Examen • 9 pages • 2023
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- $6.49
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FISDAP Medical Exam | 74 Questions | 100% Correct Answers

FISDAP READINESS Exam Prep 2023 Questions and Answers 100% Verified
- Examen • 60 pages • 2023
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Where are Beta 1 receptors found? - CORRECT ANS Heart and Kidneys Stimulation of Beta 1 receptors result in an increase of what? - CORRECT ANS Heart: Inotropy, Chronotropy, Dromotropy Kidneys: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System = Vasoconstriction = Increase blood pressure Which node is located at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium, is typically supplied by the Right Coronary artery, and fires at a rate of 60-100 bpm. - CORRECT ANS SA Node Atrial depolarization ...

FISDAP operations Questions and Answers 2023 with verified solutions
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
- $10.99
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When using PCR for research or quality assurance. What should you delete? Pt's name/ emt's name/ response times/ treatments rendered - CORRECT ANS PTS name 6 yo child fell at the park. No adult around. Type of consent? Implied/ legal/ expressed/ pediatric - CORRECT ANS Implied First to arrive. Using START, you should identify pts who? Ambulatory/ deceased/ unresponsive/ breathing - CORRECT ANS Ambulatory Partner comes to work dirty and leaves trash. Best describe these actions? Unethic...

FISDAP FINAL EXAM 2023 Verified and Graded A+
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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CPR process CORRECT ANS - 1. Check responsiveness 2. Call ALS and request AED 3. Begin compressions 4. Attach AED and follow instructions 5. Compress and BVM at 30:2 Normal Adult Pulse CORRECT ANS - 60-100 bpm (beats per minute) Normal Adult Respiratory Rate CORRECT ANS - 12-20 breaths per minute (bpm) Normal Blood Pressure CORRECT ANS - 120-90/80-60 mmHg Shock Signs CORRECT ANS - 1. Pale, Cool, and Diaphoretic 2. Low BP 3. High HR Respiratory Distress CORRECT ANS - 1. RR 8-12 or >...

FISDAP operations Questions and Answers 2023 with verified solutions
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
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- $10.74
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When using PCR for research or quality assurance. What should you delete? Pt's name/ emt's name/ response times/ treatments rendered - CORRECT ANS PTS name 6 yo child fell at the park. No adult around. Type of consent? Implied/ legal/ expressed/ pediatric - CORRECT ANS Implied First to arrive. Using START, you should identify pts who? Ambulatory/ deceased/ unresponsive/ breathing - CORRECT ANS Ambulatory Partner comes to work dirty and leaves trash. Best describe these act...

FISDAP FINAL EXAM 2023 Verified and Graded A+
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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CPR process CORRECT ANS - 1. Check responsiveness 2. Call ALS and request AED 3. Begin compressions 4. Attach AED and follow instructions 5. Compress and BVM at 30:2 Normal Adult Pulse CORRECT ANS - 60-100 bpm (beats per minute) Normal Adult Respiratory Rate CORRECT ANS - 12-20 breaths per minute (bpm) Normal Blood Pressure CORRECT ANS - 120-90/80-60 mmHg Shock Signs CORRECT ANS - 1. Pale, Cool, and Diaphoretic 2. Low BP 3. High HR Respiratory Distress CO...

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