HIEU 322
Liberty University
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HIEU 322 Quiz 2 Module 2; The Punic Wars Updated 2024/2025 with complete solution
- Examen • 16 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322 Quiz 2 Module 2; The Punic Wars Updated 2024/2025 with complete solution

HIEU 322 Quiz 1 Module 1; The Rise of the Republic Updated 2024/2025 with complete solution;
- Examen • 15 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322 Quiz 1 Module 1; The Rise of the Republic Updated 2024/2025 with complete solution;

HIEU 322 Midterm people with verified answers
- Examen • 8 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322 Midterm peoplePolybius - correct answer > Personal life: Born around 200 B.C.; Greek hostage taken to Rome in 167 B.C. 
> Great work: Histories, 40 books covering from 220-146 B.C.: the years of Rome's wars with Carthage 
First scientific history (tradition of Herodotus and Thucydides, Herodotus went to archives, talked to people who fought in the battles. Did not write with an agenda or dismiss people who were on the opposing side) 
> Why his history is good 
 - Believed a me...

HIEU 322 Midterm: Battles and Treaties well answered to pass
- Examen • 5 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322 Midterm: Battles and Treaties 
Sicilian Wars 480-307 B.C. - correct answer Series of conflicts between Carthage and the Greek city-states of Magna Gracia (headed by Syracuse) over control of Sicily 
Third Sicilian War (311-307 B.C.) - correct answer - 317 B.C., Agathocles the Tyrant emerged as the leader in Syracuse. 
- Between 317 and 312 Agathocles put down resistance and consolidated his dictatorship. 
- Meanwhile Carthage was upset with Sicilian growing power. They controlled the ...

HIEU Quiz 4 questions n answers graded A+
- Examen • 6 pages • 2024
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HIEU Quiz 4 
The First Triumvirate 
Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar join together in an alliance 
Julius Caesar 
Made dictator for life in 45 BCE, after conquering Gaul, assassinated in 44 BCE by the Senate because they were afraid of his power 
n 60 BC, Caesar, Crassus and Pompey formed the First Triumvirate, a political alliance that dominated Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass power as Populares were opposed by the Optimates within the Roman Senate, among them ...

HIEU 322- Roman Civilization Midterm well answered rated A+
- Examen • 12 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322- Roman Civilization Midterm 
Roman contributions to the western world included... - correct answer law, separation and division of powers, folk traditions, architecture, literature, art, religious toleration and oppression 
Republicanism - correct answer people rule through an elected representative 
Annals - correct answer simple records or chronicles of events 
Annalists - correct answer first Roman writers to reconstruct Rome's past 
History - correct answer an inquiry into ...

HIEU 322 Midterm Study Guide questions correctly asnswered
- Examen • 15 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322 Midterm Study Guide8th; Tiber - correct answer General Observations on the Ancient Romans: 1. Rome was founded in the ____ century B.C. along the _______ River in central Italy. 
Common Law; separation; art; toleration; oppression - correct answer General Observations on the Ancient Romans: The Romans made many unique contributions to the Western world including English ________ __________ via the Norman invasion of 1066, U.S. law, ___________ and division of powers, Folk traditions, ...

Liberty University HIEU 322 Final with verified answers
- Examen • 4 pages • 2024
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Liberty University HIEU 322 FinalCaesar (First Triumvirate) - correct answer Proposed a law in 59 B.C. that ordered the publication of the proceedings of the Senate. 
Fought in the Gallic War. 
Gallic Wars - correct answer Campaign against the Helvetia, 58 B.C. 
Campaign against the Suebi, 58 B.C. 
Campaign against the Belgae, 57 B.C. 
Helvetii - correct answer Gallic Tribe 
Suebi - correct answer a collection of Germanic tribes east of the Rhine and north of the Danube 
Nervii - correct...

HIEU 322 Final Exam fully solved graded A+
- Examen • 42 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322 Final ExamFirst Triumvirate - correct answer Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus 
Pompey - correct answer Leading Roman general in the late Republic. 
As a statesman, he spoke poorly and awkwardly, and often fell back on silence because he could think of nothing to say. 
Main ambition was to be admired as Rome's greatest hero. 
Marcus Licinius Crassus - correct answer Was of nobility, and was noted for his ambition and business savvy, particularly in the acquisition of burned property,...

HIEU 322: Roman Civ verified already passed
- Examen • 15 pages • 2024
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HIEU 322: Roman 
Origins of the Second Punic War - correct answer 1. Barcid bitterness at the end of the First Punic War, and the desire for revenge. 
2. The baseless Roman seizure of Sardinia in 238 B.C. and following indemnities. 
3. The growth of Carthaginian success in Spain by Hamilcar Barca. Followed by Hasdrubal and Hannibal. 
4. Massilia Trade Rivalry. Located on the coast of Gaul between northern Italy and northern Spain. 
5. The Ebro Treaty 
6. Hannibal and the Siege of Saguntum 
7. ...

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