PSI Cosmetology
Liberty University
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PSI Cosmetology Theory Exam and Answers Latest Updates
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
- $11.49
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Soft Water/ Rain water Best for shampooing and allows shampoo to lather freely 
 Hard Water Minerals that lessen the ability of the shampoo to lather 
 Purified water/Deionized water Main ingredient in shampoo 
 Surfactant has two ends the HYDROPHILIC HEAD and LIPOPHILIC TAIL
Bundle For Cosmetology state board exams
- Package deal • 16 items • 2023
- $36.49
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Bundle For Cosmetology state board exams
PSI cosmetology state board exam questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2023
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- $13.99
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general infection - Ans - Spreads throughout the body in the bloodstream 
destroy or prevent the growth of terms - Ans - the purpose of sanitizing implements and equipment is to: 
moisturizing or emollient materials - Ans - when giving a client with dry hair a scalp treatment, you should select preparations that contain: 
place a comb between the scalp and iron - Ans - when using a thermal iron, what should you do to protect the client's scalp from being burned? 
wrapping the ha...
PSI cosmetology state board exam 2023 With complete solution Correctly Answered
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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1.	general infection: Spreads throughout the body in the bloodstream 
2.	destroy or prevent the growth of terms: the purpose of sanitizing implements and equipment is to: 
3.	moisturizing or emollient materials: when giving a client with dry hair a scalp treatment, you should select preparations that contain: 
4.	place a comb between the scalp and iron: when using a thermal iron, what should you do to protect the client's scalp from being burned? 
5.	wrapping the hair too loosely: which of thes...
PSI Cosmetology Practice Test 2023 with complete solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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1.	Which is the BEST thing to do FIRST in the even of a minor burn?: Immerse in cold water. 
2.	All of the following require the use of gloves EXCEPT: plain manicure. 
3.	Which company certifies the safety of pedicure chairs and hair dryers?: - 
Underwriters Laboratories 
4.	Why do tuberculocidal disinfectants require special handling? (***): They require special method of disposal. 
5.	Which is the FIRST step if you get blood or other potentially infectious materials in your eyes, nose, mouth, ...
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Psi cosmetology practice exam with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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When using a chemical relaxer, which of the following must you avoid using? - correct answersbleaches or high-lift color products All of the following are reasons to perform a strand test EXCEPT - correct answersto determine the type of shampoo that is best for the hair When using a chemical relaxer, it changes the shape of the hair by breaking down which of the following? - correct answersdisulfide bonds When preparing for a virgin relaxer application, which of the following would be done FI...
PSI EXAM Questions and Answers Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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During which period of a Disability Income Policy is coverage effective but during which no benefits will be paid under the policy? - ANSWER Probationary period All of the following are common exclusions from loss found in disability income policies EXCEPT for that incurred while - ANSWER commiting a misdemeanor What is the primary advantage for obtaining a reinstatement of a policy rather than obtaining a new one? - ANSWER insured original issue age is used How does a noncancelable policy di...
Cosmetology Practice exam| 214 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2022
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Bacteria Correct Answer: one celled microorganisms with both plant and animal characteristics 
Viruses Correct Answer: microorganism capable of infecting almost all plants and animals, including bacteria. 
Parasites Correct Answer: plant or animal organisms that live on, or in, another living organism and draw their nourishment from that organism. Must have a host to survive. 
Immunity Correct Answer: ability of the body to destroy and resist infection 
Sanitation Correct Answer: re...
PSI cosmetology state board exam| 184 QUESTIONS| WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2022
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Spreads throughout the body in the bloodstream Correct Answer: general infection 
the purpose of sanitizing implements and equipment is to: Correct Answer: destroy or prevent the growth of terms 
when giving a client with dry hair a scalp treatment, you should select preparations that contain: Correct Answer: moisturizing or emollient materials 
when using a thermal iron, what should you do to protect the client's scalp from being burned? Correct Answer: place a comb between the scalp...
2022/23 PSI Cosmetology Review| 388 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2022
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- $12.49
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Follow manufacturer directions Correct Answer: How do you remove a weft (hair extension)? 
9 sections Correct Answer: How many sections for a straight back perm? 
Cortex Correct Answer: Chemical changes occur in what part of the hair shaft? 
Bob and 45 degree Correct Answer: What are 2 other names for a wedge cut? 
Guideline Correct Answer: In haircutting, what is the hair you cut first to determine length? 
Impacts glow and tones muscles Correct Answer: A tapping movement does w...
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