NUR 2755 / NUR 2755 (NUR2755)
Rasmussen College
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NURS 2755 MCD4 Exam 1 Blueprint complete exam guide solution new updated questions and answers
- Other • 17 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $12.49
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NURS 2755 MCD4 Exam 1 Blueprint complete exam guide solution new updated questions and answers /NURS 2755 MCD4 Exam 1 Blueprint complete exam guide solution new updated questions and answers

NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Final Exam Review | Rated A | LATEST 2021/2022 | Rasmussen College
- Exam (elaborations) • 43 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Final Exam Review | Rated A | LATEST 2021/2022 | Rasmussen College 
1.	what are the assessment findings in pneumothorax?	 
-	Sudden dyspnea 
-	 Chest pain 
-	 Feeling of doom/anxiety 
-	 JVD 
-	 Tachy 
-	 Chest petechiae 
-	 ECG changes 
-	 Abnormal heart sounds 
2.	what are the s/s of flail chest	 
-	paradoxical chest movement 
-	dyspnea 
-	cyanosis 
-	tachycardia 
-	hypotension 
3.	how does the patient usually present with flail ches...

NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Exam 1 Review | Highly Rated Guide| LATEST | Rasmussen College
- Exam (elaborations) • 35 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- 1x sold
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NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Exam 1 Review | Highly Rated Guide| LATEST | Rasmussen College 
1.	Mild Alzheimer’s S&S 
-	Independent ADL's 
-	denial 
-	forgets name, place of things, memory loss 
-	subtle changes in personality 
-	social disengagement 
-	mild cognition and judgement problems 
-	decrease sense of smell 
2.	Moderate Alzheimer’s S&S	 
-	impaired cognitive function 
-	money issues 
-	disoriented to time, place, event 
-	depressed/agitated 
-	speech and...

NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Exam 1 Review | Rated A | LATEST 2021 / 2022 | Rasmussen College
- Exam (elaborations) • 24 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $14.59
- 9x sold
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NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Exam 1 Review | Rated A | LATEST | Rasmussen College 
1.	What are headaches?	 
-	vasodilation of blood vessels in the brain 
2.	What causes headaches	 
-	genetics, stress, hormones 
3.	What can trigger a headache?	 
-	coffee, 
-	yogurt, 
-	alcohol, 
-	MSG, 
-	marinated foods 
4.	s/s of headache	 
-	head pain for 4-72 hours, N/V, unilateral pain, may come with aura 
5.	what are cluster headaches?	 
-	happen at night, stuffy nose ...

NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Exam 1 Review | Rated A Complete Guide| LATEST 2021/ 2022 | Rasmussen College
- Exam (elaborations) • 35 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV Exam 1 Review | Rated A Complete Guide| LATEST | Rasmussen College 
1.	Seizure/epilepsy	 
-	abnormal, sudden, uncontrolled electrical discharge of neurons 
-	two or more seizures experienced; chronic disorder of repeated unprovoked electrical abnormality 
2.	Partial Seizure	 
-	complex (LOC 1-3 min.), automatisms 
-	simple aura sensation, unilateral movement, sensations, change in flushing or epigastric discomfort 
3.	Unclassified seizure	 ...

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