NUR 2755 (NUR2755)
Rasmussen College
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- Examen • 13 pages • 2023
- $12.49
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1. A nurse is caring for a client who has a tracheostomy and is receiving mechanical ventilation. When the low-pressure alarm on the ventilator sounds, it indicates which of the following to the nurse? A. Excessive airway secretions B. A leak within the ventilators circuitry C. Decreased lung compliance D. The client coughing or attempting to talk - B. A leak within the ventilators circuitry Rationale: low pressure alarms are often the result of a malfunction or displacement of connections somew...
NUR 2755-MDC4 Exam 2 -with 100% verified solutions-2023-2024
NUR 2755-MDC4 Exam 2 -with 100% verified solutions-2023-2024

Exam 2 Review: NUR2755/ NUR 2755 (Latest 2023 / 2024): - Multidimensional Care/ MDC IV Rasmussen- -Rated A Review- Rasmussen
- Examen • 23 pages • 2023
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- $11.99
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Exam 2 Review: NUR2755/ NUR 2755 (Latest 2023 / 2024): - Multidimensional Care/ MDC IV Rasmussen- -Rated A Review- Rasmussen 
1.	what is the healing time for a full thickness (3rd degree) burn 
~	Answer: no healing potential 
2.	what are treatment interventions for a superficial (1st degree) burn 
~	Answer: - mild analgesia 
3.	what are treatment interventions for a partial thickness (2nd degree) burn 
~	Answer: deep burns may require grafting 
4.	what are treatme...
NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Multidimensional Care IV / MDC 4 Exam 3 Review (Latest 2023) Rasmussen
NUR2755 / NUR 2755 Final Exam (Latest): Multidimensional Care IV / MDC 4 – Rasmussen

ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor Exam (Chest Tube, Tracheostomy) Latest 2023
- Examen • 4 pages • 2023
- $13.00
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3 - The nurse is caring for a client with a chest tube drainage system. The nurse notes a fluctuating water level on inspiration and expiration in the submerged tube in the water seal chamber of the chest tube drainage system. Which nursing action is appropriate? 
1.Suction the client. 
2.Increase the suction. 
3.Document the findings. 
4.Encourage coughing and deep breathing 
2 - The nurse is caring for a client with a chest tube drainage system and notes constant bubbling in the water sea...

ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor Exam 2: Tracheostomy & Trach Care (NCLEX) 70 Questions and Answers 2023
- Examen • 20 pages • 2023
- $14.00
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1.	For client safety and quality care, which technique is best for the nurse to use when suctioning the client with a tracheostomy tube? 
A.	Hyperoxygenate before and after suctioning 
B.	Repeat suctioning until the tube is clear 
C.	Apply suction during insertion of the tube 
D.	Suction for 30 seconds 
– A 
The client should be preoxygenated with 100% oxygen for 30 seconds to 3 minutes to prevent hypoxemia. After suctioning, the client should be hyperoxygenated for 1-5 minutes, or until t...

ATI RN MedSurg Respiratory Comprehensive Predictor Exam 30 Questions and Answers Latest 2023
- Examen • 10 pages • 2023
- $14.00
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1.	a nurse is caring for a client who's receiving mechanical ventilation when the low-pressure alarm sounds. which of the following situations should the nurse recognize as a possible cause of the alarm? 
A.)	Excess secretions 
B.)	Kinks in the tubing 
C.)	Artificial airway cuff leak 
D.)	Biting on the endotracheal tube - artificial airway cuff leak 
An artificial airway cuff leak interferes with oxygenation and causes the low-pressure alarm to sound. 
2.	a nurse is providing...

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