Cox College Of Nursing
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AAB MT Generalist Random Q's & A’s
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2023
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The diagnostic value of the reticulocyte count in the evaluation of anemia is that it determines the: 
Response and potential of the bone marrow 
The greatest risk for the manifestation of anomalies in maternal rubella infection during gestation is the: 
First trimester 
The hepatitis B virus vaccine was administered to MLS students during Orientation.Which type of immunity is expected to develop and provide long-term protection? 
(The hepatitis B vaccine is a series of imm...
MT AAB Immunohematology| 220 questions and answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2023
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All of the following blood donors would be permanently deferred except which one? 
38yr old male who received rabies vaccine after a dog bite 3mos ago 
What is the interval blood donations? 
8 weeks 
The oral temperature of a donor must not exceed which value? 
37.5C 99.5F 
What is the minimum acceptable hemoglobin for blood donors? 
12.5 g/dL for allogeneic donors 
What is the lowest acceptable hematocrit for allogeneic blood donors? 
What donor meets the requ...
AAB Basic Knowledge-MT practice questions and answers.
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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Centrifuges (4) 
#1- Table top centrifuges are used in clinical labs to separate cells from serum or plasma. 
#2- Micro-centrifuges are small centrifuges used for small plastic conical containers with an integral snap cap. 
#3- High speed centrifuges reach speeds b/w 17,000 & 30,000 rpm. 
#4- Ultra Centrifuges are high speed centrifuges (15,000 rpm). Small air-driven to separate chylomicrons from serum. 
Pipettes types (3) 
1. Automated pipettes 
2. semi-automated micro-pipettes 
3. Glass ...
AAB MT Immunology Review questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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Concerning antigen-antibody reactions, the prozone effect causes which of the following results? 
A. False positive 
B. False negative 
C. No reaction 
D. Mixed field reaction 
B. False negative 
The following characteristics are applicable to Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) except: 
A. Can be used in patients with active tuberculosis disease symptoms 
B. Preferable for patients who have received a bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination 
C. Can be used instead of purified ...
Chemistry MT AAB board exam review #1 with 100% correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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Specimens that can be analyzed for carbon dioxide 
1. Serum 
2. Plasma 
3. Whole blood 
What will happen if blood is exposed to air during specimen collection for pH and blood gases? 
p C O 2 decreases 
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 
p H = p k a + log salt / acid 
What is the ratio of bicarbonate:carbonic acid in normal plasma 
Lab results on a known diabetic patient revealed a decreased bicarbonate and decreased ph. Which acid base disorder would most likely cause...
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AAB MT Exam Chem Urinalysis & Body Fluids 158 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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What consists of the gross renal anatomy? 
Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra 
What is the anatomy of the Nephron? 
Glomerulus. proximal convoluted tubule, descending Loop of Henle, Ascending Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, and collecting duct. 
What are the 3 primary functions of the kidneys? 
Glomerulur Filtration, Tubular Reabsorption, and Tubular Secretion 
True or False: Cells are filtered through the glomerulus? 
What is the GFR? 
Volume of blood...
AAB MT Microbiology 2023 |215 questions with 100% correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2023
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What term describes the morphology of organisms that vary in shape and size? 
Capsules are the basis of which test? 
A mucoid colony on blood agar medium indicates that which of the following characteristics may be present? 
Organism has a capsule. 
What are dark staining granules called? 
Which of the following organisms are non-motile? 
Shigella and Klebsiella 
In the bacterial growth cycle, growth ceases because nutrients a...
MT AAB Immunology| 212 questions with 100% verified correct answers.
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
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Which of the following is not an external defense mechanism of natural immunity that provides the human body with a defense against invading microorganisms? 
Bursa of Fabricius 
All of the following are external defense mechanisms of natural immunity that provides the human body with a defense against invading microorganisms 
Skin, mucus, and body fluids 
Having an elevated temperature during an infection is an example of what type of immunity? 
Innate immunity 
Which defense m...
MT AAB Chemistry|MT AAB Chemistry |215 questions with 100% correct answers already graded A+215 questions with 100% correct answers already graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2023
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Which of the four elements in proteins differentiated this class of substances from carbohydrates and lipids? 
Which of the proteins is soluble in water? 
How are amino acids joined together to form a chainlike structure? 
Peptide bonding 
Proteins may become denatured when subjected to mechanical agitation, heat, or chemical treatment. What does denaturation of proteins refer to? 
Alteration of tertiary structure 
Which aminoacidopathy is NOT caused by...
AAB MT Microbiology| 215 questions with 100% correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2023
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What term describes the morphology of organisms that vary in shape and size? 
Capsules are the basis of which test? 
A mucoid colony on blood agar medium indicates that which of the following characteristics may be present? 
Organism has a capsule. 
What are dark staining granules called? 
Which of the following organisms are non-motile? 
Shigella and Klebsiella 
In the bacterial growth cycle, growth ceases because nutrients a...
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