History of Western Civilization 1 (510-201)
Rutgers University - Newark
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History of Western Civilization 1 Reading Responses (Erasmus - Columbus)
- Andere • 6 Seiten • 2022
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This is a six (6) page pdf of Reading Responses regarding the following topics. Please note that this does not have any information regarding Dei Segni and Mirandola. Refer to the other pdf titled (Pope Gregory - Dei Segni and Mirandola) for that reading response. Readings are NOT included. 
-Erasmus Community of scholars 
-Sprenger & Krämer the Hammer of Witches 
Junius A Confesion of Witchcraft Explained 
-Luther: on justification by Faith 
-English Declaration of Rights 
Locke: Second Trea...

History of Western Civilization 1 Reading Responses (de Born - Dei Segni and Mirandola)
- Andere • 9 Seiten • 2022
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- $5.49
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This is a nine (9) page pdf of Reading Responses regarding the following topics. Please note that this consists of events after the pdf titled (Rome - Pope Gregory) but does NOT have any information regarding Pope Gregory. Readings are NOT included. 
- de Born: in Praise of Combat 
- Bishop Adalbero - Tripartite Society 
- The Burdens of Serfdom at Darnhall 
- Robert the Monk: Crusades 
- de Venette Plague in France 
- Plague in Siena and Villani Plague in Florence 
-Social Control after the ...

History of Western Civilization Reading Responses (Simocattes - Pope Gregory VII)
- Andere • 9 Seiten • 2022
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- $5.49
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This is a nine (9) page pdf of Reading Responses with the following topics. Please note that these events are AFTER the pdf titled (Alexander - Rome). This does NOT include information regarding Rome. Refer to the mentioned document for that information. Readings are NOT included. 
-Tertullian, Clement 
-“Perfect Calif” 
-Cahill: How the Irish Saved Civilization 
-Tacitus - Germany and it’s Tribes 
-St. Boniface and Bede 
-St. Benedict: on maintaining a monastery 

History of Western Civilization 1 Reading Responses (Alexander - Rome)
- Andere • 9 Seiten • 2022
- Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- $5.49
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History of Western Civilization 1 Reading Responses (Alexander - Rome). This is a nine (9) page pdf with the following topics. Readings are NOT included. 
-Plutarch: on Alexander 
-Polybius: Roman Army 
-Apian: Siege of Carthage 
-Plutarch: Tiberius Gracchus 
-Cicero: Oration against Verres 
-Tacitus Imposition of one-man rule 
-Dio Cassius Powers of Authority 
-Aristides Blessing of the Pax Romana 
-Pliny and Trajan correspondence 
-Herodian - Extortions 
-Empire for Sale 
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