molloy college
Meest recente samenvattingen op de molloy college. Op zoek naar een samenvatting op de molloy college? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor jouw school of universiteit.
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All courses for molloy college
- NUR 209 NUR209 6
- NUR 209 Final Exam Review NUR 209 Final Exam Review (NUR209FINALEXAMREVIEW) 1
- NUR 209 Fundamentals of Nursing NUR209 1
- NUR 229 3
- NUR 229 Pathophysiology 1
- NUR 239 NUR239 4
- NUR 289 1
- NUR 2900 1
- NUR 299 2
- NUR 329 NUR329 2
- NUR 359 NUR 3590 3
- NUR 409 NUR 4090 4
- NUR 4209 NUR 4209 1
- NUR 4290 NUR 4290 14
- NUR 4290 - Shadow Health Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan NUR4290 2
- NUR 4290 Shadow Health Focused Exam: Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan NUR4290 2
- NUR 439 NUR 4390 4
- NUR299 NUR299 4
- Nursing Fundamentals 1
Nieuwste samenvattingen molloy college
Exam 1 blueprint
Nursing attributes – 
1. Caring 
2. Communication skills 
3. Emotional stability 
4. Empathy 
5. Critical thinking 
6. Attention to detail 
Humanistic framework - valuing the individual in the context of humanity, 
environment, and health gives meaning to humanistic nursing practice. 
4 aspects of nursing – 
Humanity - a unique human being, functioning as an integrated whole, reflecting 
bio-psycho-socio-cultural dimensions 
Environment - sum total of ...
4 frameworks of nursing – 
- valuing 
- environment 
- humanity 
- health 
sub- concepts of nursing – 
- knowledge 
- responsibility 
- accountability 
- leadership/ management 
- research 
- professional role 
humanity - unique human being, functioning as an integrated whole, reflecting biopsycho- socio- spiritual- cultural dimensions 
environment - sum total of all internal and external dimensions that influence 
human beings 
health - a dynamic state of bio- psycho- spiritual cultural wel...
Humanistic Nursing Framework 4 key concepts - valuing, humanity, health, environment 
what does valuing mean? - Holding in high esteem the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals. 
What does humanity mean? - A unique human being, functioning as an integrated whole, reflecting bio-psycho-socio-cultural dimensions. 
what does Health mean? - A dynamic state of bio-psycho-socio-cultural well-being. 
What does Environment mean? - The sum of all internal and external dimensions that infl...
What Are the Attributes of Being a "Good" Nurse? – 
-caring (show you genuinely care) 
-communication skills (speak and listen well) 
-emotional stability 
-problem-solving skills 
-attention to detail 
4 Pillars of Molloy - -studies 
-community (participate) 
-spirituality (help pt connect w higher being) 
Molloy's Humanistic Framework for Nursing - -we believe that valuing the 
individual in the context of humanity, environment, and health gives meaning to 
humanistic ...
Humanistic Framework 
We believe that valuing the individual in the context of humanity, environment, 
and health gives meaning to humanistic nursing practice. 
4 parts of humanistic framework 
A unique human being, functioning as an integrated whole, reflecting bio-psychosocio-cultural dimensions. 
The sum total of all internal and external dimensions that influence human beings. 
A dynamic state of bio-psycho-socio-cultural...
Molloy Humanistic Framework - "we believe that valuing the individual in the context of humanity, environment, and health gives meaning to humanistic nursing practice" 
humanistic nursing framework - valuing 
humanity - a unique human being, functioning as an integrated whole, reflecting bio-psycho-socio-cultural dimensions 
environment - the sum total of all internal and external dimensions that influence human beings 
health - a dynamic state of bio-psy...
Critical care exam 1 for dr. Ann Langan. Includes respiratory 1 & 2. Blue est is what she says verbatim in class. received an A- in the class with these study guides
Critical care exam 1 for dr. Ann Langan. Includes respiratory 1 & 2. Blue est is what she says verbatim in class. received an A- in the class with these study guides
Critical care exam 1 for dr. Ann Langan. Includes respiratory 1 & 2. Blue est is what she says verbatim in class. received an A- in the class with these study guides