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BIO 202 Stonybrook University -SBU Bio-202 Exam 4 Professor Erster Spring 2024 Questions With Complete Solutions
Bio 320 exam 2 Practice Questions and 
Answers (100% Pass) 
what are three causes of hypersensitivity diseases? - Answer️️ -1. 
ions against microbes 
3. reactions against environmental antigens 
What is hypersensitivity? - Answer️️ -immune response, 
sensitization, inappropriate response 
what is type 1 hypersensitivity - Answer️️ -igE mediated 
what is type 2 hypersensitivity - Answer️️ -tissue mediated or 
(antibody mediated) 
what is type 3 hypersensit...
Describe all processes by which organisms exchange heat with their 
environment. - Answer️️ -Radiation, Conduction, Convection, 
Radiation - Answer️️ -*Emission of electromagnetic energy by 
surface (i.e. sun) 
*When objects are warmed by radiation, they emit lower-energy 
radiation as infrared light 
*The temp of the radiating surface determines how rapidly an object 
loses energy by radiation to colder parts of th...
BIO 320 Exam 1 Practice Questions and 
Answers (100% Pass) 
Biodiversity is built from what 3 features? - Answer️️ -Ecosystem 
diversity, species diversity, genetic diversity 
Species that lack genetic diversity are? - Answer️️ -More 
vulnerable to fluctuations due to climate change, disease, and 
habitat fragmentation. 
True or false; Counting every individual of a species is common - 
Answer️️ -False 
True or false; Must sample an area to estimate how many species 
are present? - A...
Bio 320 Exam 3 Practice Questions and 
Answers (100% Pass) 
Activation of mature naive T lymphocytes by antigen presentation 
with MHC II results in the production of effector cells called: - 
Answer️️ -helper T cells 
Activation of a mature naive T cell by an APC requires three critical 
signals. Which of the following is NOT an intracellular signal 
generated in the T cell? - Answer️️ -intracellular signal from MHC 
What signals influence the differentiation of mature naive T cells...
©SOPHIABENNET@2024/2025 Wednesday, August 21, 2024 12:13 PM 
What are some major categories of proteins? - Answer️️ -1. 
Enzymes - selective catalysis. 
2. Structural Proteins - support of cellular structures. 
3. Motility Proteins - movement of cells and cell parts. 
4. Regulatory Proteins - regulation of cellular functions. 
5. Transport Proteins - transport substances across membranes. 
6. Hormonal Proteins - communication between distant p...
BIO 320 Pathogenesis and Immunity 
Quiz with 100% Correct Answers 
Cytotoxic T cells (Tc; CD8) attack cells with non-self MHCs. 
False - Answer️️ -True 
In Type I hypersensitivities 
IgG bind to mast cells after the second exposure 
IgG bind to T cells after the second exposure 
IgG bind to mast cells after the first exposure 
IgG bind to T cells after the first exposure 
IgE bind to mast cells after the second exposure 
IgE bind to T cells after the second exposure 
IgE bind to mast c...
BIO 320 Exam 2 Study Guide 2024/2025 
Gene - Answer️️ -a unit of heredity that is transferred from a 
parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of 
the offspring 
Genome - Answer️️ -the complete set of genes or genetic material 
present in a cell or organism 
Introns - Answer️️ -non-coding sections of the RNA that are spliced 
out before the RNA is translated into a protein 
Exons - Answer️️ -coding sections of the RNA that will not be 
spliced out and will...
Hazmat Evidence Collection (DPEM 2333) 
Unit 5 Part 1 Assignment 
Hazmat Evidence Collection (Arkansas State University)
Lung Sounds Made Easy There are two main types of lung sounds Normal Sounds Types Tracheal, vesicular, and 
Hazmat Training for Emergency Medical Services (Stony Brook University)