Nursing 411 (Nursing 411)
Borough Of Manhattan Community College
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Midterm drug list
- Class notes • 23 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $8.99
- 1x sold
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This document contains the medication list for the midterm exam Fall 2022. Please keep in mind that the medication list might be changed or slightly modified by the professor every semester. Regardless of that, this document is great for reviewing medications for NCLEX, as it has the most commonly used drugs. The document is well structured and contains some pictures to help retain the information.

GI exam drug list
- Class notes • 16 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $8.99
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Medication list for GI exam taken in Fall 2022. Please keep in mind that the list might be changed slightly or completely by the professor every semester. Regardless of that, this document is great for preparing for NCLEX as it contains the most common drugs you need to know. The document includes detailed information on the medications, contraindications, and their most common side effects. When creating this document, I used Saunders Nclex book and Simple Nursing.
Medical-Surgical Nursing

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