Bucks County Community College
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BIO 1023 Chapter 2 Designing a Healthful Diet, The Science of Nutrition, 3e (Thompson) (100% CORRECT SOLUTIONS)
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2022
- $16.49
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Chapter 2 Designing a Healthful Diet 
1) The four characteristics of a healthful diet are adequacy, balance, moderation, and 
A) Calories. 
B) color. 
C) value. 
D) variety. 
Answer: D 
Diff: 1 
Skill: Remembering 
Section: What Is a Healthful Diet? 
Learning Outcome: 2.1 
2) The RDA values were first published in 
A) 1941. 
B) 1897. 
C) 1903. 
D) 1965. 
Answer: A 
Diff: 1 
Skill: Remembering 
Section: What Is a Healthful Diet? 
Learning Outcome: 2.1 
3) Including fiber in your diet is beneficia...
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