Montgomery County Community College
Latest uploads at Montgomery County Community College. Looking for notes at Montgomery County Community College? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Montgomery County Community College
Lecture notes based off of "Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics" ninth edition by serway and jewett. These notes are for chapter 16- waves and wave behavior and provide some example problems from the end of the chapter.
Lecture notes based off of "Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics" ninth edition by serway and jewett. These notes are for chapter 15- oscillation and provide some example problems from the end of the chapter.
CDR RD Exam Questions & Answers Complete: updated 2023. A 42 year old woman who is 5'10" needs how many grams of protein per day? A. 60 B. 70 C. 75 D. 80 A 49-year-old overweight woman smokes one PPD of cigarettes, has a BP level of 140/85 mmHG and a medical hx of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. What is the best nutrition intervention for this client? A. complex CHO, low sat fat B. complex CHO, high protein C. simple CHO, high protein D. simple CHO, low sat fat A ...
Cardiovascular Chapter Outline
Biology notes 3 outlines included thats right 3! Some have sample questions!