COUN 601
Liberty University
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COUN 601 Family Counseling Approach: A Bowen Perspective. Liberty Universit
- Examen • 18 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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Relationships within a family unit are often complex. Some families are prone to hostility and 
anger while others are resilient in dealing with day by day issues. A family system is shaped not 
only from previous generations but also by their culture, ethnicity, race, gender, morals and 
values, and their religious beliefs. Each element plays a crucial role in molding a sound and 
functional family system. As these elements continue ...

Summary COUN 601 Family Genogram Project. Liberty University
- Examen • 8 pages • 2022
- $7.49
- + en savoir plus
A genogram is similar to a family tree that maps out family relationships and traits, including 
additional relationships among family members. A genogram is a useful instrument to identify

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