Carson-Newman University
Latest uploads at Carson-Newman University. Looking for notes at Carson-Newman University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Carson-Newman University
NURS 535 Carson-Newman University -NURS 535 Pediatrics Test 2 (Carson Newman University Nurse Practitioner Cert Exam Prep 6th edition and PEDIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION REVIEW GUIDE) Questions With Complete Solutions
Mastery of a scientific field requires reading books by the founding 
scientists. Subsequent research may have gone beyond the founders· 
ideas. superseded or even disproven some of them. In pursuit of 
knowledge. one rightly climbs up on the shoulders of those who have 
stood on the shoulders of giants. Even so, the serious student of 
evolution has to read Danvin, of psychoanalysis Freud and Jung, or of 
IQ Stern and Binet
Anatomy and Physiology 2 Urinary System Review 
Summary from the book and PowerPoints. I passed the test and overall class with a A
This is a review summary I made for a test last semester. I passed both my class and lab with a A and made As on all the test using this material. It is a summary from the textbook and PowerPoints I used
This document contains 9 pages of information pulled from the class PowerPoint, notes, documents, textbook, and other materials. It covers the three chapters being examined, including the cardiovascular vessels, lymphatic system, and cardiovascular system.
This document contains information for the class PowerPoint slides, notes, documents, and other given materials.
This document contains questions and answers as a study guide for the Old Testament course final exam.
This contains a study guide of information pulled from the class PowerPoint, notes, documents, and review quizzes.
This contains a study guide of major terms and definitions on the first exam for intro to chemistry. Some equations are also broken down and explained to be understood easily.
This is an 11-page study guide that has information pulled from every chapter PowerPoint for this exam. Concepts are broken down and explained where it can be easily interpreted and understood.