HIST 1302 (1302.920)
Collin College
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This is a comprehensive and detailed note on Chapter 22.
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on world war 1 with answer key.
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on the recent past for Hist 1302. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on the great depression.
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on capital and labor for United States history II. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on the American Empire. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
Detailed and comprehensive notes on World War 1 and it's aftermath. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
Marco Polo Answer Key for Hist 1302. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed note on Chapter 28; Barack Obama and Donald Trump. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
Detailed notes on chapter 16; introduction: the statue of liberty for Hist 1302. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!

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