Collin College
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PSYC 2301 Exam 1Describe why it is important to understand research methods. - correct answer A background in research methods will help you read these reports critically, evaluate these reports critically, evaluate the methods employed and decide whether the conclusions are reasonable; learning about research methods will help you think critically 
Describe the scientific approach to understanding behavior, and contract it with pseudoscientific research. - correct answer The scientific approa...
PSYC 2301 EXAM 1Define Psychology - correct answer study of mind; study of behavior and mental processing 
Describe the scientific method - correct answer is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. 
Why is Psychology defined as a hub science? - correct answer bc numerous scientific fields come together in psyc, connect other disciplin 
What are the major roots of Psychology? - correct answer 2: phil and physical science 
What is the rela...
PSYC 2301 Exam 2 Review4 Steps of Learning - correct answer 1. Attention 
2. Retention 
3. Reproduction 
4. Motivation 
Social Cognitive Learning Theory - correct answer Founded by Albert Bandura; association between our behavior and others 
Bobo Doll Experiment/SCLT - correct answer Consequences aren't necessary for learning. Albert Bandura revealed the speed of which children adopted aggressive behaviors modeled by adults, made current movie ratings, teaches aggressive styled behavior 
PSYC 2301 Final ExamFactors that Influence symptoms - correct answer - Individual differences/personality 
- Cultural differences 
- Situational factors 
- Stress 
- Mood 
Schema (illness representation) - correct answer A patients own beliefs about their illnesses; what they know about their disease/symptoms - helps them to explain. 
Five components of illness schemas - correct answer - Identity (label) 
- Consequences 
- Causes 
- Duration 
- Cure 
Models of illness - correct answer Most...
PSYC 2301 Health Psyc MidtermHealth psychology - correct answer Devoted to understanding psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when they do get ill 
Health - correct answer The World Health Organization defined ______________ as "a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" 
1) to give worldwide guidance in the field of health 
2) to set global standards for health ...
PSYC 2301 Test 1Psychology - correct answer The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 
Goals of Psychology - correct answer To describe, explain, predict and control the events studied (mental processes and behaviors) 
Critical Thinking - correct answer 1. Skepticism about explanations and conclusions 
2. Ability to inquire about cause/effect 
3. Increased behavioral curiosity 
4. Knowledge of research 
5. Ability to analyze arguments 
Steps of Scientific Method - correct ans...
PSYC-2301 Exam #1 (Ch 1 & 2) Study guideThe four basic goals of psychology are to (1) describe, (2) explain, (3) predict, and (4) control or influence behavior. - correct answer TRUE 
The neurotransmitter called acetylcholine: - correct answer is involved in muscle contractions, memory, learning, and general intellectual functioning. 
The neurotransmitter called serotonin plays a key role in sleep, moods, and emotional states, including the symptoms of depression. - correct answer TRUE 
Psych 2301 Exam 4 (Ch. 10, 11, 12)motivation - correct answer The force that moves people to behave, think, and feel the way they do 
instinct - correct answer An innate (unlearned) biological pattern of behavior that is assumed to be universal throughout a species 
The Evolutionary Approach - correct answer A view of motivation that says early evolutionary accounts of motivation emphasized the role of instincts which let us survive 
drive - correct answer An aroused state that occurs beca...
Psych. 2301 Exam 1 (Ch.1 - 3)psychology - correct answer study of behavior and mental process; most work for clinical practice in higher edu. areas. 
sub-fields of psych/research - correct answer 1. basic: calculating data to support/refute theories 
2. applied: changing behaviors and outcomes, helps generate behavioral interventions for children w/ sensory issues (autism). 
goals of psych - correct answer 1. describe 
2. explain 
3. predict 
4. control 
Plato (nature) - correct answer tru...
Psychology 2301 - Chapter 12Social Psychology - correct answer field of psychology that examines how people impact or affect each other, with particular focus on the power of the situation 
Intra-personal and Inter-personal - correct answer Intra-personal: pertains to self attitudes emotion 
Inter-personal: pertains to groups aggression, attraction 
Situational and Dispositional Influences - correct answer Situational: describes a perspective that behavior and actions are determined by the i...