Collin College
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psychology 2301 chapter 9motivation - correct answer a stimulus that can direct behavior, thinking, and feeling 
extrinsic motivation - correct answer The desire or push to perform a certain behavior based on the potential external rewards that may be received as a result 
intrinsic motivation - correct answer desire to perform behavior for own sake 
instinct theory - correct answer people are driven to do certain behaviours based on evolutionary programmed instincts 
evolutionary perspe...
psychology 2301 chapter 11personality - correct answer unique set of characteristics that influence the way one thinks, acts, and feels and that are relatively consistent and enduring throughout the lifespan 
temperament - correct answer an individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding 
humor - correct answer used to connect with others, for enjoyment, and to cope with challenges 
30-47% humor styles = genetics 
-grounded by biology, shaped by life experiences 
Psychology 2301 Chapters 1 and 2What does psychology involve? - correct answer -Study/Science 
Is psychology a S.T.E.M.? - correct answer Yes 
Why are animals studied? - correct answer They are less predictable than humans 
Critical Thinking - correct answer Systematically evaluating information to reach reasonable conclusions 
Amiable Skepticism - correct answer Being open to new ideas but weary when there is no good supporting evidence 
Where is psychology ...
Psychology 2301 Collin College Exam 1 
What is psychology - correct answer the scientific study of behavior and mental processes 
What makes psychology a science? - correct answer because we use the scientific method to test it 
What did Wundt do? - correct answer INTERNAL 
Identified structures of the mind and asked people to introspect (look within themselves) 
What did James do? - correct answer EXTERNAL 
Also identified structures of the mind and focused on our interactions with envi...
Psychology 2301 Comprehensive Final ExamIndependent Variable - correct answer Variable of interest that is manipulated by experimenter (The interest) 
Dependent Variable - correct answer Measure of performance affected by independent variable (The outcome) 
What is psychology? - correct answer The scientific study of behavior and mind 
What is Dualism ? - correct answer The state of being divided (Body and Mind) 
Who was William Wundt? - correct answer He is known as the father of psycho...
Psychology 2301 exam #3 
Who is Alfred Binet? - correct answer Alfred Binet. 
(08 JUL 1857-18 OCT 1911) 
A French psychologist who devised tests to identify "slow" children. 
Tests were based on memory, attention, and pattern recognition. 
(IQ tests) 
Define Schizophrenia. - correct answer Psychological disorder characterized by distorted belief, perception and thought processes. 
Prevalent disorders described by the DSM-5. - correct answer Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Depression, Bipolar di...
Psychology 2301 Exam 1 chapters 1-4Psychology is defined as the - correct answer scientific study of behavior and mental processes 
What branch of psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease - correct answer health psychology 
Which perspective is correctly paired with its description? - correct answer Gestalt psychology emphasized the organization of perception 
The computer metaphor is at the heart of which perspective? - correct an...
PSYC2301 Collin College -Psychology 2301 Exam 1 questions with answers Critical thinking is ______. - correct answer Active application of a set of skills to understand and evaluate information. 
Psychology refers to _____. - correct answer The scientific study of the mind. 
The empirical method of study is based on _____. - correct answer Observation. 
When was psychology accepted as an academic discipline? - correct answer Late 1800s 
Who was the first person referred to as a psycholog...
psychology 2301 exam 2 (Blinn Meyer) 
Consciousness: - correct answer A person's subjective experience of the world and the mind. 
Where did Descartes believe the "seat of the soul" was located? - correct answer Descartes imagined that the seat of the soul—and consciousness—might reside in pineal gland located in the ventricles of the brain. 
Does brain activity precede conscious will to act, or does it only come after? - correct answer people make the decision to do something before ...
Psychology 2301: Exam 2 Study GuideWhat are the three steps to forming a memory? - correct answer Encoding, storage, retrieval. 
How many items can the average person store in their short-term memory? - correct answer The average person can store about 7 items in their short-term memory. (5-9) 
True or False? Long-term memory has no limit on the amount of information that can be stored. - correct answer True, there are no limits for long term memories. 
What is the difference between an ex...