HSCO 511 (Hsco511)
Liberty University
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HSCO 511 Wk 5 Discussion Group Exercises.
- Examen • 11 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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In the following paper, I will describe my observations of an online Alcoholics Anonymous 
group that I attended for my HSCO 511 Group Dynamics course for Liberty University. I was 
able to not only observe Jerry B, the facilitator, but Danielle Z who was this month’s meeting 
leader. Every month they offer someone with at least six months of sobriety to lead the month. I 
was able to see how the group dynamic evolved throughout the meetings. How the participants 
behaved towards one ...
HSCO 511 Wk 7 Group Observation Paper very verified

HSCO 511 Wk 8 Discussion Group Issues and Conflicts.
- Examen • 2 pages • 2023
- $7.49
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HSCO 511 
Wk 8 Discussion: Group Issues and Conflicts 
After this week’s readings regarding problem situations and conflicts in groups, I decided 
that I would write about “The Negative Member”. Throughout my military career, we have seen 
a plethora of what some call negative members. Jacobs et al. (2016) talked about this person 
being the one that is going to continuously complain throughout the group, disagree with others 
and just create issues due to their counter intuitive attitude ...

- Examen • 6 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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uestion 1 
2 out of 2 points 
Near the end of a session, a member wants to share something deep and personal. The 
leader should 
quickly cut the member off and ask them to share at the beginning of 
the next session. 
 Question 2 
2 out of 2 points 
The life cycle theory articulated by Hersey and Blanchard suggests that effective leaders 
task orientation and/or relationship orientation, depending on the 
developmental level of the group. 

HSCO 511 HSCO 511 Quiz 1 Leadership Effectiveness and Decision Making
- Examen • 14 pages • 2023
- $10.49
- 1x vendu
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Quiz: Leadership, Effectiveness, and Decision Making 
Attempt History 
Attempt Time Score 
LATEST Attempt 1 57 minutes 80 out of 80 
Score for this quiz: 80 out of 80 
Question 1 
2 / 2 pts 
An inspirational approach to leading others that involves elevating followers’ motivation, 
confidence, and satisfaction is____________ leadership. 
Question 2 
2 / 2 pts 
Which of the following is true regarding dyads? The leader should 
make sure ...

HSCO 511 Wk 5 Discussion Group Exercises
- Examen • 2 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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HSCO 511 
Discussion: Group Exercises 
 This week’s readings on rounds and dyads were interesting since there were a few new 
things to learn. The two options present equally impressive options to potentially get people in 
the groups to talk. Some of these examples that were given in the book were things that I have 
seen practiced in different ways, but I did not know there were names for them. 
 For the rounds portion, the one that I would like to use, or implement would be 
designated word...

HSCO 511 Wk 7 Group Observation Paper.
- Examen • 11 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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In the following paper, I will describe my observations of an online Alcoholics Anonymous 
group that I attended for my HSCO 511 Group Dynamics course for Liberty University. I was 
able to not only observe Jerry B, the facilitator, but Danielle Z who was this month’s meeting 
leader. Every month they offer someone with at least six months of sobriety to lead the month. I 
was able to see how the group dynamic evolved throughout the meetings. How the participants 
behaved towards one...

HSCO 511 Wk 8 Discussion Group Issues and Conflicts.
- Examen • 2 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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HSCO 511 
Wk 8 Discussion: Group Issues and Conflicts 
After this week’s readings regarding problem situations and conflicts in groups, I decided 
that I would write about “The Negative Member”. Throughout my military career, we have seen 
a plethora of what some call negative members. Jacobs et al. (2016) talked about this person 
being the one that is going to continuously complain throughout the group, disagree with others 
and just create issues due to their counter intuitive attitude ...

HSCO 511 EXAM 2 1 WRONG! Quiz: Leadership, Effectiveness, and Decision Making
- Examen • 14 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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An inspirational approach to leading others that involves elevating followers’ motivation, 
confidence, and satisfaction is____________ leadership. 
Question 2 
2 / 2 pts 
Which of the following is true regarding dyads? The leader should 
make sure members stay on task. 
never participate with members. 
let people talk as much as they want to without a time limit. 
never pair members who have similar views. 
Question 3 
2 / 2 pts 

HSCO 511 Quiz 1 Leadership Effectiveness and Decision Making
- Examen • 14 pages • 2023
- $10.49
- 2x vendu
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Quiz: Leadership, Effectiveness, and Decision Making 
Attempt History 
Attempt Time Score 
LATEST Attempt 1 57 minutes 80 out of 80 
Score for this quiz: 80 out of 80 
Question 1 
2 / 2 pts 
An inspirational approach to leading others that involves elevating followers’ motivation, 
confidence, and satisfaction is____________ leadership. 
Question 2 
2 / 2 pts 
Which of the following is true regarding dyads? The leader should 
make sure ...

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