Tyler Junior College
Latest uploads at Tyler Junior College. Looking for notes at Tyler Junior College? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Tyler Junior College
How the nervous system works and parts of a neuron
Explains how objects are perceived and how the eye is able to see things
Explores what consciousness is, the states of altered consciousness, and sleeping disorders
Use these notes to determine probability and learn to use the normal curve.
Use these notes to calculate measures of variability such as probability, proportions, percents, standard deviation, standard error. Learn probability rules such as converse and addition.
Use these notes to learn how to calculate measure of central tendency such as mode, mean, median, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, and variance.
Use these notes to determine how to separate a sample group from a population. Learn how to calculate z-scores and use them effectively.
Use these lecture notes to learn how to organize your data and create a cross tabulation,
These documents consist of chapters 1-6 of the Psychological Stats book, Elementary Statistics in social research. These notes contain descriptive processes of finding measures of central tendency, measures of variability, probability, z scores, standard deviation, and sampling error. Notes are extremely neat and organized, I have made high grades on my exams using my notes.
Table of Contents 
Board of Trustees................................................................................ 9 
Accreditation........................................................................................ 9 
TJC Mission Statement...................................................................... 9 
TJC Vision Statement......................................................................... 9 
TJC Civility Statement...................................................