WGU C173 Scripting and Programming Foundations
Western Governors University
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(Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPER ) WGU Scripting and Programming - Foundations - C173. Questions with Accurate answers, rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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- $9.49
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WGU Scripting and Programming - 
Foundations - C173. Questions with 
Accurate answers, rated A+ 
What is an editor? - -A program that allows you to write code 
What is a compiler? - -A program that produces other programs. The compiler does all the work at 
once and then runs the new program. We're translating the code we wrote to computer code all at once. 
This is often when we produce an .exe (executable) file. 
What is an interpreter? - -A program that runs code one line at a time. Inste...

(Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPER )WGU Scripting and Programming WGU C173. Exam Review Questions and answers. Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
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- $9.49
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WGU Scripting and Programming WGU 
C173. Exam Review Questions and 
answers. Graded A+ 
computer program - -instructions, executing one at a time 
input - -program gets data; from keyboard, file, touchscreen, network, etc 
process - -data put elsewhere; to a file, screen, network, etc 
triangle's area - -1/2*base*height 
computational thinking - -a sequence of instructions to solve a problem 
algorithm - -sequence of instructions that solves a problem 
flowchart - -graphical language for crea...

(Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPER ) WGU Scripting and Programming - Foundations - C173 (Unit 1). Full Exam Review. 100% Comprehension. Rated A+ Program - -A sequence of statements.
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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- $8.49
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WGU Scripting and Programming - 
Foundations - C173 (Unit 1). Full Exam 
Review. 100% Comprehension. Rated A+ 
Program - -A sequence of statements. 
Each statement describes an action. Each statement executes one at a time. 
Input - -A program gets data, perhaps from a file, keyboard, touchscreen, network, etc. 
Process - -A program performs computations on that data, such as adding two values like x + y. 
Output - -A program puts that data somewhere, such as to a file, screen, network, etc. 

(ACE FOR 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) Scripting and Programming - Foundations - C173. Examinable questions & Answers. Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
Available in package deal
- $9.49
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Scripting and Programming - 
Foundations - C173. Examinable 
questions & Answers. Graded A+ 
- Input: A program gets data, perhaps from a file, keyboard, touchscreen, network, etc. 
- Process: A program performs computations on that data, such as adding two values like x + y. 
- Output: A program puts that data somewhere, such as to a file, screen, network, etc. - -What are 
three parts to a computer program? 
Algorithm - -A sequence of instructions that solves a problem 
Flowchart - -A graphi...

(ACE FOR 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) Scripting and Programming Actual FINAL PREP- Foundations - C173, Questions and answers. Rated A+. EXAMSCORE!!
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2023
Available in package deal
- $11.49
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Scripting and Programming Actual 
FINAL PREP- Foundations - C173, 
Questions and answers. Rated A+. 
What is an editor? 
A program that allows you to write code 
What is a compiler? 
A program that produces other programs. The compiler does all the work at once and then runs the new 
program. We're translating the code we wrote to computer code all at once. This is often when we 
produce an .exe (executable) file. 
^^What is an interpreter? 
runs a program's statements. A progr...

(ACE FOR 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) Scripting and Programming - Foundations WGU- C173 (Unit 2). Exam Review questions. Full Coverage. VERIFIED.
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
Available in package deal
- $8.49
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Scripting and Programming - 
Foundations WGU- C173 (Unit 2). Exam 
Review questions. Full Coverage. 
Variable - -A named item, such as x or numPeople, used to hold a value. 
Assignment statement - -Assigns a variable with a value, such as x = 5. That statement means x is 
assigned with 5, and x keeps that value during subsequent statements, until x is assigned again. 
= is not equals - -In programming, = is an assignment of a left-side variable with a right-side value. = 
is NOT e...

(ACE FOR 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) Scripting and Programming - Foundations - C173, Exam Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. VERIFIED.
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
Available in package deal
- $9.49
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Scripting and Programming - 
Foundations - C173, Exam Questions 
and answers, 100% Accurate. VERIFIED. 
Which operator should be used to determine if a number is evenly divisible by 5? - -% 
A car drove 200 miles using 10 gallons of fuel. Which operation should be used to compute the miles per 
gallon, which is 20? - -Division 
A variable should hold a person's height in meters. Which data type should the variable be? - -Float 
A variable should hold the names of all past U.S. presidents. Whi...

(ACE FOR 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) Scripting and Programming - Foundations - C173, Exam Review, latest update. VERIFIED. Program
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
Available in package deal
- $8.49
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Scripting and Programming - 
Foundations - C173, Exam Review, latest 
update. VERIFIED. 
instructions executing one at a time 
A program gets data, perhaps from a file, keyboard, touchscreen, network, etc. 
A program performs computations on that data, such as adding two values like x + y. 
A program puts that data somewhere, such as to a file, screen, network, etc. 
In a program, a name that can hold a value. Refer to data, like x, y, and z. The value...

WGU-C173 Scripting and Programming Foundations. Exam Review. Easy Mastery, rated A+ 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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- - -subtraction operator, outputs the difference between the two input numbers 
!= - -a comparison operator used to compare if one operator is not equal to another 
% - -modulo operator, outputs the remainder of dividing the first number by the second 
* - -multiplication operator, outputs the product of the two input numbers 
** - -exponentiation operator, outputs the result of multiplying <base> by itself <power> number of 
/ - -division operator, outputs the result of divi...

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