CLN 251/252
Epic University
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CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User-Clinical Shared (command page) This material contains confidential and copyrighted information of Epic Systems Corporation
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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Previous Screen-page up correct answer: Moves to the previous menu 
Return to main menu -opt correct answer: Brings you back to the initial menu. This will not work when you are i a record 
Reopen last accessed record = (equal sign) correct answer: Opens last record you accessed in that master file during the login session 
List of all possible records ? (question mark) correct answer: List all available records at any master file prompt 
Help-Shift+F5 correct answer: A help window ...
CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User Clinical/Shared (too much information) This material contains confidential and copyrighted information of Epic Systems Corporation
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User Clinical/Shared (too much information) This material contains confidential and copyrighted information of Epic Systems Corporation 
Chronicles Data Structure correct answer: Chronicles (filing cabinet)>Master File (drawer)>record (file folder)>Contacts (sheets of paper)>Items and Values (information prompts and answers) 
Chronicles correct answer: Epic's database management system. You can think of chronicles as a giant file cabinet. A...
CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User 7: Users and Providers-Log In and Care for Patients
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User 7: Users and Providers-Log In and Care for Patients 
What 3 key things does the EMP record control? correct answer: 1) End users ID 
2) Password 
3) default log in department 
How does the User Record determines access to functionality and Hyperspace correct answer: By linking to other records: SER, DEP, EMP 
Where would you find User templates? correct answer: As a Record in the EMP masterfile 
What's another term for the start up activity? ...
EPIC CLN 251/252 Study Set 2 - KW, EPIC CLN 251/252 Study Set 3 - KW, EPIC CLN 251/252 Study Set 2 - KW, EPIC CLN 251/251 - KW, EPIC CLN 251/251 - KW Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 48 pages • 2023
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Scenario: Pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and pharmacy managers all work in the same department, but each have different security classes. The pharmacists and the pharmacy techs use the same Summary reports. 
The pharmacy managers need an additional set of reports. 
At which level of profile should you configure the Summary reports for each of these groups of users? correct answer: • Because they all share a login department, the pharmacists and the pharmacy techs can get their reports from a de...
CLN 251/252 Configuring Epic End User: Section 3 Reports Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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LRP correct answer: The INI for Reports master file 
LPG correct answer: Print group master file INI 
What are the three styles of LRP and LPG? correct answer: Plain, Rich and HTML 
Print groups and report styles should match correct answer: True 
EMP correct answer: User master file 
DEP correct answer: Department master file 
LPR correct answer: Profile masterfile 
Profile correct answer: The configuration of an End User's options within activities 
EAF correct answer:...
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CLN 251/252 5: Navigators Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023
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What are two other terms used for Navigators? correct answer: 1) navigator templates 
2) charting tempmates 
How are Navigators assigned to clinicians? correct answer: 1) profile records 
2) workflow engine rules 
What are the three types of records that compose a Navigator? correct answer: 1) Templates LVN 
2) Topics LVN 
3) Section LVN 
What is the INI for Navigator? correct answer: LVN 
Where can you search for sections by Keyword? correct answer: Navigator Editor 
Do all secti...
CLN 251/252 8:Security Classes Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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True or False: Security classes can be shared correct answer: True 
Assigning Security Class in____________ is an efficient way to grant access for ________ correct answer: the template; a group of users 
INI for Security Class is... correct answer: ECL 
ECL gives users access to ____________ correct answer: Different Activities 
The three main components of security are... correct answer: 1) Security Points 
2) Type of Security Point 
3) Security Class 
4) Security Assignment 
Cln 251/252 Study Set Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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What stores information about one specific entity in the master file? correct answer: A Record 
Where are WE rules built? correct answer: Hyperspace 
How are WE rules assigned? correct answer: They're linked to a profile 
What is an Item? correct answer: A discrete field within a record 
How can you save and return to a record's main menu in Text? correct answer: Shift + F7 
How can you identify navigator record names in Hyperspace? correct answer: the CLAW - Control Alt Shift ...
Epic CLN 251/252 Exam Review Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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Epic's database management system. correct answer: Chronicles-like a filing cabinet 
Chronicles is divided into __________ like patient and diagnosis. Each has a three letter identifier called _________. correct answer: Master files, INI 
Master files are like drawers 
There are over ________ master files in Epic. correct answer: 900 
File folders inside the drawers are called: correct answer: Records 
Pieces of paper inside the folder which track discrete data over time. correct an...
CLN 251/252 Study for configuration tests Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2023
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User (EMP) correct answer: one per person = one record (no sharing) 
"Log in" 
MUST be set in individual user record: 
User ID and password 
Link to Default login department- user logs in to the right place 
LINK to Provider Record- (if S.C.A.R) 
LINK to User Template Record *Don't forget Cadence set-up* 
Individual users built in Hyperspace 
Provider (SER) correct answer: one per person/thing 
 Needed if person/thing meets ONE: 
C - Credentials/...
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