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One of the primary purposes of the Incoming Messages Workqueue is to Choose only ONE answer . 
A : Identify duplicate patients in your system 
B : Match incoming patient documents to patients in your system 
C : Run communication diagnostics 
D : Track outgoing referrals volume correct answer: B : Match incoming patient documents to patients in your system 
True or False : Collecting authorization via the Document List allows patients to authorize electronic release to select organization...
Chronicales is like correct answer: Filing Cabinet 
Database is like correct answer: Drawer 
AD Hoc Run by correct answer: Administrators 
AD Hoc used to report on correct answer: Real time as needed 
AD Hoc reporting results become available correct answer: Immediately 
List 3 Epic Reporting Tools correct answer: AD Hoc 
Workbench run by correct answer: End Users and administrators 
Workbench used to report on correct answer: Small volumes of real-time ...
Hyperspace correct answer: A graphical user interface. Clinical end users work from this platform 
How many templates affect a User at once? correct answer: Only one template at a time chosen by the user when they log in. 
What settings need to be established for each individual user record? correct answer: ID/Password 
Default login dept. 
Link to user template (for shared settings) 
Link to provider record (if they have one 
Masterfile correct answer: A storage entity in chronicles u...
MASTER FILE/DATABASE > Record > ________________ correct answer: Contact 
The __________ record links to security classes, a user role, and, if appropriate, a provider record. correct answer: user 
Each person who ____________ needs a user record. correct answer: logs in 
The role record controls the _______________. correct answer: layout of hyperspace 
Security classes are made up of __________________. correct answer: SECURITY POINTS 
_________________ records are needed ...
SEC 101 Exam Questions With Complete Solutions
Computer security correct answer: methods, techniques, and tools used to ensure that a computer system is secure 
Information security correct answer: Information security: Often used synonymously with computer security but emphasizes the protection of the information that the system processes and stores, rather than on the hardware and software that constitute the system 
Information assurance correct answer: The practice of assuring information and managing risks related to the use, pro...
Previous Screen-page up correct answer: Moves to the previous menu 
Return to main menu -opt correct answer: Brings you back to the initial menu. This will not work when you are i a record 
Reopen last accessed record = (equal sign) correct answer: Opens last record you accessed in that master file during the login session 
List of all possible records ? (question mark) correct answer: List all available records at any master file prompt 
Help-Shift+F5 correct answer: A help window ...
CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User Clinical/Shared (too much information) This material contains confidential and copyrighted information of Epic Systems Corporation 
Chronicles Data Structure correct answer: Chronicles (filing cabinet)>Master File (drawer)>record (file folder)>Contacts (sheets of paper)>Items and Values (information prompts and answers) 
Chronicles correct answer: Epic's database management system. You can think of chronicles as a giant file cabinet. A...
CLN 251/252 Configuring the Epic End User 7: Users and Providers-Log In and Care for Patients 
What 3 key things does the EMP record control? correct answer: 1) End users ID 
2) Password 
3) default log in department 
How does the User Record determines access to functionality and Hyperspace correct answer: By linking to other records: SER, DEP, EMP 
Where would you find User templates? correct answer: As a Record in the EMP masterfile 
What's another term for the start up activity? ...
Scenario: Pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and pharmacy managers all work in the same department, but each have different security classes. The pharmacists and the pharmacy techs use the same Summary reports. 
The pharmacy managers need an additional set of reports. 
At which level of profile should you configure the Summary reports for each of these groups of users? correct answer: • Because they all share a login department, the pharmacists and the pharmacy techs can get their reports from a de...