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LRP correct answer: The INI for Reports master file 
LPG correct answer: Print group master file INI 
What are the three styles of LRP and LPG? correct answer: Plain, Rich and HTML 
Print groups and report styles should match correct answer: True 
EMP correct answer: User master file 
DEP correct answer: Department master file 
LPR correct answer: Profile masterfile 
Profile correct answer: The configuration of an End User's options within activities 
EAF correct answer:...
What are two other terms used for Navigators? correct answer: 1) navigator templates 
2) charting tempmates 
How are Navigators assigned to clinicians? correct answer: 1) profile records 
2) workflow engine rules 
What are the three types of records that compose a Navigator? correct answer: 1) Templates LVN 
2) Topics LVN 
3) Section LVN 
What is the INI for Navigator? correct answer: LVN 
Where can you search for sections by Keyword? correct answer: Navigator Editor 
Do all secti...
True or False: Security classes can be shared correct answer: True 
Assigning Security Class in____________ is an efficient way to grant access for ________ correct answer: the template; a group of users 
INI for Security Class is... correct answer: ECL 
ECL gives users access to ____________ correct answer: Different Activities 
The three main components of security are... correct answer: 1) Security Points 
2) Type of Security Point 
3) Security Class 
4) Security Assignment 
What stores information about one specific entity in the master file? correct answer: A Record 
Where are WE rules built? correct answer: Hyperspace 
How are WE rules assigned? correct answer: They're linked to a profile 
What is an Item? correct answer: A discrete field within a record 
How can you save and return to a record's main menu in Text? correct answer: Shift + F7 
How can you identify navigator record names in Hyperspace? correct answer: the CLAW - Control Alt Shift ...
Epic's database management system. correct answer: Chronicles-like a filing cabinet 
Chronicles is divided into __________ like patient and diagnosis. Each has a three letter identifier called _________. correct answer: Master files, INI 
Master files are like drawers 
There are over ________ master files in Epic. correct answer: 900 
File folders inside the drawers are called: correct answer: Records 
Pieces of paper inside the folder which track discrete data over time. correct an...
User (EMP) correct answer: one per person = one record (no sharing) 
"Log in" 
MUST be set in individual user record: 
User ID and password 
Link to Default login department- user logs in to the right place 
LINK to Provider Record- (if S.C.A.R) 
LINK to User Template Record *Don't forget Cadence set-up* 
Individual users built in Hyperspace 
Provider (SER) correct answer: one per person/thing 
 Needed if person/thing meets ONE: 
C - Credentials/...
Report (LRP) correct answer: displays information, shareable, appears in many different activities, made up of print groups (LPG), built in text 
Profile (LPR) correct answer: details within activities, shareable, can control 1000+ settings including Chart Review tabs, Note speed buttons for SmartText, Reports, and more 
Navigator (LVN) correct answer: guide through a workflow, shareable, templates, topics, sections, usually assigned in a WE rule, build in 
Workflow Engine Rul...
What is Chronicles? (filling Cabinet) correct answer: Chronicles is epic's database management system and is used by all epic software. 
Master Files (drawer) correct answer: "database" INI Stores data about one type of thing 
Records (file folder) correct answer: Within each Masterfile, we need a way to keep specific examples of that type of thing separate. Each record has a name and an identification number (ID). 
Contacts (sheets of paper) correct answer: Date-specific snapshot o...
Which of the following is a no-add item? 
A.) Chief Complaint 
B.) Appointment time 
C.) Birth date 
D.) Marital Status correct answer: C-Birth date 
Master file 
item correct answer: Is a Folder 
What is Epic's database management system called correct answer: Chronicles 
True or False: You can use Record Viewer to edit data i a record correct answer: False:Record Viewer only allows you to view data 
When you document on the patient as a clinicia...
What record controls details within activities like the tabs in Chart Review, or the default report in Snapshot? correct answer: Profiles 
If you wanted to know the record name of the Snapshot report, how could you find that out? correct answer: Go to Session Information Report and click the link to Enable Report and Print Group IDs 
Is the Plan activity a report-based or navigator-based activity? correct answer: Navigator-based activity 
How could you see the names of the records if yo...