BIOL 202 (BIOL202)

American Public University

Here are the best resources to pass BIOL 202 (BIOL202). Find BIOL 202 (BIOL202) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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BIOL202 Week 6 Discussion Immunity and Probiotics Respiratory Distress APU
  • BIOL202 Week 6 Discussion Immunity and Probiotics Respiratory Distress APU

  • Other • 2 pages • 2024
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  • W6:RespiratoryDistress IchoseTopic2presentanargumenttosupportlackofvaccinationasacauseforresurgence.  Whatisthemechanism(s)thatBordetellapertussisusestoinvadeepithelialcellsinthelungs?  WhydoesthisGram-negativebacteriacausethecharacteristiccoughthatitdoes?  Whyisinfantmortalityhigh?  WhatroledoesherdimmunityplayinthespreadofaninfectiousdiseaselikeWhoopingcough?
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 6 Lab 6 Quantitation of Cultured Microorganisms APU
  • BIOL202 Week 6 Lab 6 Quantitation of Cultured Microorganisms APU

  • Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
  • Available in package deal
  •  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incompletesentencesand correctlyin orderto beconsideredforfullcredit  Ifthequestionasksyoutodoresearchorfindasource,areputable,credibleand/orscholarlysourcecitationmustbeincluded inorder tobeconsidered for fullcredit  Ifamathformulaisrequiredtoarrivetoananswer,workmustbeshownotherwise,nocreditwill beawarded Pre-Lab Questions 1. A serial dilution of a sample has an unknown concentration of microorganisms.A countable ...
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 6 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
  • BIOL202 Week 6 Quiz Questions and Answers APU

  • Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
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  • 1. Question: What part of the immune system is designed to offer some protection to the brain? 2. Question: What is the mechanism by which fluoride present in toothpaste reduces dental decay? 3. Question: What microorganism will you find that causes inflammation in the nasal sinuses? 4. Question: What appears as small hemorrhages in folds on the surface of skin? 5. Question: What is used to describe an infection that leads to fluid accumulation in the lungs? 6. Question: What is the conditi...
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 5 Project topic submission Head Lice APU
  • BIOL202 Week 5 Project topic submission Head Lice APU

  • Other • 12 pages • 2024
  • BIOL202 Week 5 Project topic submission Head Lice APU
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 5 Discussion Immunity and Probiotics APU
  • BIOL202 Week 5 Discussion Immunity and Probiotics APU

  • Other • 2 pages • 2024
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  • Week 5:Immunityand Probiotics For this discussion, I chose Activia yogurt. 1. Whatpartofimmunityorourimmunesystemmightprobioticsexertaneffect,ifany? 2. Explaintheproposedmechanism(s)ofhowprobioticswork? 3. Doesone have tobuyaspecialbrandof theproductsforittowork? 4. Youonlychoseoneofthetopics,butwhatisthecommondenominatorfromallof them(it'samicrobe)?
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 5 Lab 5 Growth of Microorganisms APU
  • BIOL202 Week 5 Lab 5 Growth of Microorganisms APU

  • Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2024
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  • Lab5:GrowthofMicroorganisms(100points)  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incompletesentencesand correctlyin orderto beconsideredforfullcredit  Ifthequestionasksyoutodoresearchorfindasource,areputable,credibleand/orscholarlysourcecitationmustbeincluded inorder tobeconsidered for fullcredit  Ifamathformulaisrequiredtoarrivetoananswer,workmustbeshownotherwise,nocreditwill beawarded Pre-LabQuestions 1. Why don’t microorganisms in cultures exhibit c...
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 5 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
  • BIOL202 Week 5 Quiz Questions and Answers APU

  • Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2024
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  • 1. Question: What does the immune system recognize as foreign and is what is also responsible for the induction of the immune response? 2. Question: What enters capillaries and venules and causes vasodilation when an inflammatory response is turned on? 3. Question: What describes how a host defends itself against an invading pathogen? 4. Question: What is excluded in the group of cellular defenses of macrophage? 5. Question: How are antigens described? 6. Question: What cells specialize to ...
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 4 Discussion Antibiotic Resistance APU
  • BIOL202 Week 4 Discussion Antibiotic Resistance APU

  • Other • 2 pages • 2024
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  • Week 4:AntibioticResistance IchosetobethepatientwithpossibleMRSA. 1. IsthisinfectionlikelyMRSA? 2. What would a MRSA infection look like on a patient; for example,describehowthewoundpresents. 3. WasthepatientexposedtoMRSAinthehospitalprep,duringthesurgery theweek previously orsometimeafterwards(post-discharge)? 4. Where does liability for this (potential) infection rest? Is it theresponsibilityofthepatient(makingsureshefollowedherdischargeinstructions,etc),nurse(s),scrubtechnicians,physic...
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 4 Lab 4 Structure and Microscopy APU
  • BIOL202 Week 4 Lab 4 Structure and Microscopy APU

  • Other • 9 pages • 2024
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  • Lab4:StructureandMicroscopy(100points)  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incomplete sentences and correctly in order to be considered for full credit  If the question asks you to do research or find a source, a reputable, credible and/or scholarly source citation must be included in order to be considered for full credit  If a math formula is required to arrive to an answer, work must be shown otherwise, no credit will be awarded *Note-This lab is d...
  • sapling
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BIOL202 Week 4 Quiz Questions and Answers APU
  • BIOL202 Week 4 Quiz Questions and Answers APU

  • Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2024
  • Available in package deal
  • 1. Question: Which describes a random, unpredictable, and an infectious disease? 2. Question: This is considered true about an outbreak. 3. Question: Which statement is excluded as one of the mechanisms that antimicrobial agents work? 4. Question: This method is ineffective in keeping microbes from developing resistance to drugs in use against them. 5. Question: In this scenario, a pathogen is able to rapidly move from one animal to another animal. 6. Question: This does not influence the p...
  • sapling
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